disorders of the adrenal glands Flashcards
List the 3 sections of the adrenal cortex and what each produces
- zona glomerulosa: mineralocorticoids: aldosterone
- zona fasciculata: glucocorticoids: cortisol
- zone reticularis: adrenal androgens: mostly DHEA
cortisol is excreted in the urine in what form
17 hydroxysteroid (17OHS)
androgen is excreted in the urine in what form
17 ketosteroids (17KS)
what is the sign and symptom complex resulting from prolonged expsore to glucocorticoid hormones
cushings syndrome
List the causes of ACTH-dependent cushing’s syndrome
- excessive ACTH production from pituitary (pituitary adenoma): most common cause
- ectopic ACTH producing tumor
- small cell lung CA is most common
- excessive CRH production from hypothalamus
List the causes of ACTH-independent cushing’s syndrome
- adrenal tumor
- neuroendocrine tumors
- pheochromocytoma
which type of cushing’s syndrome, ACTH dependent or independent, is more common? Is it more likely in males or females
- ACTH dependent: 70%
- 8-10x more likely in females
clinical presentation
- weight gain/obesity
- facial plethora “moon face”
- truncal obesity with extremity wasting
- buffalo hump
- fatigability and weakness
- mostly proximal muscles
- abdominal straie
- acne and abnormal hair growth
- edema
- insulin resistance
- vertebral fx, hypercalcuria, kidney stones
- dysphora, depression, paranoia
cushing’s syndrome
What two hormone levels do you get to work up possible cushing’s syndrome
- plama cortisol level
- 8AM
- 4PM
- serum ACTH level
- 8AM
- 4PM
what is an abnormal result for plasma cortisol level
- > or = 25 ug/dl at 8 AM
- less than the anticipated drop of 1/3 to 2/3 at the 4PM reading
what is abnormal serum ACTH levels
- > 80 pg/ml at 8am; >50 pg/ml at 4pm
- < 20 pg/ml at any time
Are cortisol and ACTH levels expected to be high or low in ACTH independent
- cortisol: high
- ACTH: low
Are cortisol and ACTH levels expected to be high or low in ACTH dependent
- cortisol: high
- ACTH: high
Why is 11-deoxycortisol measured at 8am when working up for cushing’s syndrome
- 11-deoxycortisol is a cortisol precursor
- it should be converted to cortisol and be undetectable at 8am
What is the gold standard for screening for cushing’s syndrome? What is an abnormal result
- Dexamethasone suppression test (DST): given at night, expect ACTH and cortisol levels to be low the next morning
- abn result: cortisol > 5 ug/d is highly suspicious
What is the main stay for diagnosis for cushing’s syndrome? What is an abnormal result
- 24 hour urine free cortisol
- measures 17-OCHS
- abnormal: cortisol > 125 ug/d is indicative of cushings
describe salivary sampling used to work up cushing’s syndrome or adrenal insufficiency
- free cortisol diffuses freely into saliva
- sample saliva obtained after rinsing mouth but before brushing teeth at
- 9:00 am 3 mornings in a row when evaluating for adrenal insufficiency
- 11:00pm 3 nights in a row when evaluating for cushing’s syndrome
abnormal results for salivary sampling in cushing’s syndrome vs adrenal insufficiency
- cushing’s syndrome: late evening salivary cortisol elevated
- adrenal insufficiency: morning salivary cortisol low
MOA of Mitotane
- induces permanent destruction of the adrenocortical cells
- AKA medical adrenalectomy
MOA of Ketoconazole in cushing’s syndrome? major side effect?
- antifungal with cortisol-reducing effects in higher doses
- liver toxicity
MOA of Metyrapone in cushing’s syndrome?
- inhibits cortisol synthesis
What is the most common cause of cushing’s syndrome
ACTH producing pituitary adenoma
What is the most common cause of cushingoid symptoms
exogenous steroid use
what is the inadequate production of mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, and or sex androgens
- adrenal insufficiency
- when all three are present -> addison’s disease