What is pre-eclampsia?
Condition that causes high blood pressure during pregnancy and after labour
What are the symptoms of pre-eclampsia?
New onset hypertension (>= 140/90 mmHg) Occurring after 20 weeks gestation Reduced fetal movement (30% of cases) Reduced amniotic volume (30% of cases) Oedema common Headache Abdominal pain Visual disturbances, seizures, breathlessness
What are the subtypes of pre-eclampsia?
Early onset < 34 weeks:
- fetal + maternal symptoms
- changes in placental structure
Late onset > 34 weeks:
- More common
- Mostly maternal symptoms
- Fetus ok
- Less/no placental changes
What are the maternal risk factors for pre-eclampsia?
Previous pregnancy with PE BMI > 30 Family history Increased maternal age Gestational/previous hypertension Pre-existing conditions e.g. diabetes, PCOS
What can pre-eclampsia cause?
Damage to maternal kidneys, liver, brain and other organs
Possible progression to eclampsia (seizures in pregnancy due to high BP)
Placental abruption (placenta separates from endometrium)
Reduced fetal growth, preterm birth, stillbirth
Describe the placental defects underpinned PE
Extra-villous trophoblast (EVT) invasion only to decidual layer of endometrium. Thus maternal spiral arteries not extensively remodelled and placental perfusion restricted
What chemical signals are associated with the maternal symptoms of PE?
Placental growth factor (PLGF) - pro-angiogenic factor released by placenta
Flt1 (soluble VEGFR1)
Flt1 is a receptor displayed on placental blood vessel endothelium. Binds PLGF. Pre-eclampsia causes excess production of Flt-1 by distressed placenta and thus less available pro-angiogenic PLGF in maternal circulation causing endothelial dysfunction
What is the management of pre-eclampsia?
Only resolved by placental delivery
< 35 weeks - try and maintain pregnancy
> 37 weeks - delivery preferable
In between - case by case basis
Corticosteroids if < 34 weeks to promote fetal lung development
What are the prophylactic measures of PE?
Weight loss
Exercise throughout pregnancy
Low-dose aspirin for high risk groups
What are the long-term impacts of PE on maternal health?
Elevated CVD risk, T2DM, renal disease
1/8 risk of having pre-eclampsia next pregnancy