Disorders of Overcontrolled Behaviours Flashcards
What are disorders of over controlled behaviour?
- Separation Anxiety (now included among anxiety disorders)
- Social phobia (aka social anxiety)
- Selective Mutism
- Specific phobia
- Panic disorder
- Depression
What is the key diagnostic criteria of separation anxiety disorder?
- Developmentally inappropriate and excessive fear or anxiety concerning separation from those whom the individual is attached as evidenced by at least 3 of the 8 following symptoms:
- recurrent excessive distress when anticipating or experiencing separation from home or major attachment figures
- persistent and excessive worry about losing major attachment figures or about possible harm to them, such as illness, injury, disasters or death
3. Persistent and excessive worry about experiencing an outward event (e.g., being kidnapped) that causes separation from major attachment figure
- persistent and excessive worry about losing major attachment figures or about possible harm to them, such as illness, injury, disasters or death
- persistent reluctance or refusal to go out, away from home, to school, to work, or elsewhere because of fear of separation
- persistent and excessive fear or reluctance about being aloneor without major attachment figures at home or in other settings.
- persistent reluctance or refusal to sleep away from home or to go sleep without being near a major attachment figure
- repeated nightmares involving the theme of separation
- repeated complaints of physical symptoms when separation from major attachment figure occurs or is anticipated
What are the key diagnostic criteria of reactive attachment disorder?
- A consistent pattern of inhibited, emotionally withdrawn behaviour toward adult caregivers manifested by both of the following 1. the child rarely or minimally seeks comfort when distressed 2. the child rarely or minimally responds to comfort when distressed
- a persistent social or emotional disturbance characterized by two of the following three symptoms listed:
- Minimal social and emotional responsiveness to others
- limited positive affect
- episodes of unexplained, sadness, irritability or fearfulness that are evident even during nonthreatening interactions with adults
- the child has experienced a pattern of extremes of insufficient care as evidenced by at least one of the following 3
- Social neglect or deprivation in the form of persistent lack of having basic emotional needs, for comfort stimulation and affection met by caregiving parents.
- repeated changes of primary caregivers that limit opportunity to form stable attachment
- rearing in unusual settings that severely limit opportunities to form selective attachments.
- the care in Criterion C is presumed to be responsible for the disturbed behaviour in criterion A
What is Disinhibited social engagement disorder?
- a pattern of behaviour in which a child actively approaches and interacts with unfamiliar adults
- the child has experience extreme and insufficient care
What are the treatments of fears and phobias for kids?
- Similar to that employed with adults
- Exposure to feared object while performing some
action to inhibit their anxiety - CBT shows great promise in treating childhood