Disorders Of Joints Flashcards
Tissues in the joint break down over time
Loose piece of cartage or bone in a joint
Joint mice
Ivory like bone
Bone eburnation
Popping , cracking sound of the bone
Small growths on the tip of the finger
Heberden’s nodes
Bony growths in joints
Autoimmune system attacks your joints
Rheumortoid arthritis
Stiffness of the joint
Abnormal layer of fibrovascular tissue or granulation tissue
Firm lumps that develop under the skin
Rheumatoid nodules
Straightening of the middle joint of the finger
Swan neck deformity
Infection in the joint
Infectious arthritis
Urate crystals accumulate in your joint
Gout disease
Kidney disorder caused by an increase in uric acid
Gouty nephropaty
Kidney stones
Nephrolithiasis / Renal Calculi