Disorders of Childhood & Adolescence Flashcards
innate emotional predisposition or personality traits
Child psychopathology
the emotional and behavioral manifestation of psychological disorders in children and adolescents
internalizing disorder
conditions involving emotional symptoms directed inward( anxiety trauma and stressor related disorders)
separation anxiety disorder
severe distress about leaving home, being alone, or being separated from a parent
selective mutism
consistent failure to speak in certain situations
reactive attachment disorder
a trauma related disorder characterized by inhibited, avoidant social behaviors and reluctance to seek or respond to attention or nurturing
disinhibited social engagement disorder
a trauma related attachment disorder characterized by indiscriminate, superficial attachments and desperation for interpersonal contact
nonsuicidal self injury
intentional, self-inflicted harm intended to provide relief from negative feelings or to induce positive feelings; can also involve a preoccupation with engaging in self-harm
disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
a childhood disorder involving chronic irritability and significantly exaggerated anger reactions
pediatric bipolar disorder
a childhood disorder involving depressive and energized episodes similar to the mood swings seen in adult bipolar disorder
externalizing disorders
disruptive behavior disorders associated with symptoms that are socially disturbing and distressing to others
oppositional defiant disorder
a childhood disorder characterized by negativistic, argumentative, and hostile behavior patterns
intermittent explosive disorder
condition involving frequent lower-intensity outbursts or low-frequency, high-intensity outbursts of extreme verbal or physical aggression
conduct disorder
a persistent pattern of behavior that violates the rights of others, including aggression, serious rule violations, and illegal behavior
neurodevelopmental disorders
conditions involving impaired development of the brain and central nervous system that are evident early in a child’s life
an involuntary repetitive movement or vocalization
motor tic
a tic involving physical behaviors such as eye blinking, facial grimacing, or head jerking
vocal tic
an audible tic such as coughing, grunting, throat clearing, sniffling, or making sudden vocal outbursts
Tourettes disorder
a condition characterized by multiple motor tics and one or more vocal tics
involuntary utterance of obscenities or inappropriate remarks
habit reversal
a therapeutic technique in which a client is taught to substitute new behaviors for habitual behaviors such as a tic
attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder
childhood onset disorder characterized by persistent attentional problems and or impulsive hyperactive behaviors
autism spectrum disorder
a disorder characterized by a continuum of impairment in social communication and restricted stereotyped interests and activities
repetition of vocalizations made by another person
a powerful hormone that affects social bonding
intellectual disability
a disorder characterized by limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviors
adaptive behavior
performance on tasks of daily living, including academic skills, self care, and the ability to work or live independently
fragile X syndrome
an inherited condition involving limited production of proteins required for brain development resulting in mild to severe intellectual disability
down syndrome
a chromosomal disorder that causes physical and neurological abnormalities
a prenatal screening procedure involving withdrawal of amniotic fluid from the fetal sac
fetal alcohol spectrum effects
a continuum of detrimental neurological and behavioral effects resulting from eternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy
learning disorder
an academic disability characterized by reading, writing, or math skills that are substantially below levels that would be expected based on the persons age, intellectual ability, and educational background
a condition involving significant difficulties with reading skills
a condition involving difficulties in understanding mathematical skills or concepts
Atypical Social-emotional reciprocity (autism)
no interest in social interaction. No back and forth in conversation
Atypical nonverbal communication ( autism)
little to no eye contact. poor social boundaries. no meaningful facial gestures.