Disorders OE Flashcards
Middle ear:
- otoscope: may see shadow of tumor, buldging tm
- pure tone: max CHL possible , often rising configuration
- speech discrim: excellent
- immittance: dep on where- A, As, or B; normal ecv
Impacted cerumen
Outter ear:
- Pure tone - mild low freq CHL to mod/sever HL CHL
- speech - good discrim
- immittance: type B tymp if fully occluded. Ecv impossibly small
Often report difficulty with speech in noise
-pure tone: HF bilateral sensorineural hL. Profess as individual ages.
-speech: redu discrimination
Immittance: type A or As tymp, norm vol
Outter ear dis - microtia
Type of dysphasia - pinna is very small
Oed: anotia
Pinna is absent
Oed: stenosis
Abnormal narrowing of EAC
-may cause HL if narrowing contributes to build up of cerumen
Oed: atresia
Complete closure if EAC
-cause HL
Audiogram: severe chL, large ABG, word recog scores normal
Oed: external otitis
Skin in EAC become inflamed (tender itchy).
- Bacterial or fungal
- mayb have cloudy discharge (otorrhea)
- if swell severe enough can cause occlusion ad chl
- treat with antibiotics
Oed: cerumen impact ion
Secondary to cotton swabs
Oed: foreign bodies
Can cause obstruction and or Tm proliferation
Oed: collapse of EAC
Supra aural headphone use
Exostoses oed
Multiple bony growths in EAC. Smooth hard round covered by skin.
Remove if result in obstruction or impact ion
Chara of swimmers
Oed: typanosclerosis
Tm is thickened and scared. Usually doesn’t cause HL but could effect hear sensitivity if calcification extends to ossicle chain
Tym proliferation
-3areas: attic, marginal (side), central
-causes: direct trauma (puncture from obj), excessive pressure in ME (second to otitis media)
-HL: chl depends on site an extent if cut.
Large ear canal volume and dec in SA