Disorders (Cumulative DSM-5) Flashcards
Schizophrenia Diagnoses must meet __ of __ symptoms which are…
Must meet 2 of 3 Symptoms
Disorganized Speech
Two types of Delusions we have talked about and what they are
Erotomaniac: they think someone is in love with them
Persecutory: they think someone wants to hurt them
If someone has “Bizarre Delusions”…
They can be hospitalized then with or without the other criteria an ex is “i am the all seeing god and i have to protect us from the aliens”
Hallucinations are?
False sensory perceptions in the absence of a stimulus
I hear elephants ( there are none)
I feel elephants ( there are none)
I see elephants ( there are none)
I taste elephants ( there are none)
I smell elephants ( there are none)
Disorganized Speech is?
“Word salad” “loose association” not logical to mental associations…rhyming, interferes with communications
Brief Psychotic Disorder
1 day to 1 month of these symptoms
1 month to 6 month of these symptoms
Schizophrenia (time)
More then 6 months
Types of Brief Psychotic and what they are
Postpartum: after pregnancy
With of without marked stressors
With Catatonia
Delusional Disorder
Is predominantly delusions, usually mid 30’s, rarely turns into schizophrenia, uncommon family history
Criteria for delusional Disorder?
1 of more non bizarre delusions, at-least lasting 1 month, not due to another disorder
Shared Delusions
Delusions that are passed around…mom and dad believe the government is trying to kill us so I do as well
Schizoaffective Disorder
Schizophrenia that also included short periods of a manic or depressive episode (must be 10-14 days of psychosis without mood symptoms)
Substance induced psychotic disorder
Usually hallucinations and delusions
During intoxication or withdraw
Use exact name when diagnosing “alcohol induced psychotic disorder”
Psychotic disorders can also be due to another medical condition T of F
Catatonic Disorder
12 types (don’t need to know now) any weird movement or lack their of
Lack of speech
Total lack of motivation
Prolonged muscle rigidity and immobility, limbs remain in natural fixed positions
Bipolar 1 must have
At least 1 Manic episodes (the rest can by hypomanic) and major depressive or if they have been hospitalized….once your bipolar 1 your always bipolar 1
What is a manic episode
Severe elevated mood and unusual behavior, it has to effect your job or social life, eg. I think i could do better than my boss and outbursts at your boss, spending large amounts of money on things you shouldnt.
Explain hypomanic
Not severe, these are episodes of elevated mood that wont get you in trouble. Eg. Feeling a burst of energy and motivation to clean up your entire house, becoming more functional, decrease need for sleep
Cyclothymic Disorder lasts for
Long lasting, at least 2 months straight for at least 2 years
Cyclothymic Disorder is
A cycle between a mood disorder (like depression) and an elevated mood state that is not quite major depressive or hypomania
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
Recurrent temper outburst
Minor provocation provokes these kids
Threaten or bully other kids
May refuse chores, homework, or basic hygiene
Outburst every few days
Mood is consistently negative, depressed, angry, or irritable
Trouble interacting with peers
Constant attention from parents
Intense rages may cause others to fear for their live
(These are really angry kids, not super common)
What is Major Depressive Disorder
Depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure for at least 2 weeks, at least 5 of the listed symptoms, more than 1 life domain affected
Mild depression that is consistant
Persistent Depressive Disorder
Depressed mood for most of the day, more days than not for 2 years or longer. No more than a 2 month period in the last 2 years without symptoms, 2 symptoms in addition to depressed mood must be present
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Symptoms begin in luteal phase of the menstrual cycle
Symptoms remit in the follicular phase
Family history of pms or pdd
What are the symptoms of major depressive disorder
- Depressed mood most of the day
- Noticeable diminished interest or pleasure in activities
- Significant weight loss or gain
- Insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day
- Psychomotor agitation or retardation nearly everyday
- Fatigue or loss of energy
- Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt
- Diminished ability to think or concentrate or indecisiveness
- Recurrent thoughts of death
Everything to know about panic attachs
Sense of disaster
Cardiac symptoms
Trouble breathing
Begins abruptly and ends within 30 min
4 somatic symptoms must be present
Not a diagnoses
Seperation anxiety
Fear of something happening to an important attachment figure
Reluctance to leave home
May fear sleeping alone
Call figure several times a day
May follow that person
Selective mutism
Selectivly mute
May be fine at home with friends and family
Specific phobias are
Anticipatory anxiety when they must be in the feared situation
Social anxiety disorder
Fear assessment and disapproval in social situations
Results in significant distress
Must be beyond bashfulness
Social anxiety with performance specifiers include
Blushing, hoarseness, tremor, perspiration, and actual panic attack
Panic disorder
Presence of panic attacks
Some panic attacks must be unexpected, causing fear it will happen again
Ineffective avoidance actions
Fear of any situation or place where escape seems difficult or embarrassing or where help might be unavailable
Generalized anxiety disorder
Symptoms are relatively unfocused
No panic attacks
Stars of its own accord, seemingly without any cause
Pervasively worrying about multiple issues and areas of daily life
Common to all obsessive compulsive and related disorders (time duration as well)
Intrusive thought
Time consuming (1hr or more) repetitive behaviors
Behavior doesn’t start unwanted
Eventually become burdensome
Obsessions are
Recurring thought, beliefs, or ideas that dominate a pewrsons mental content
Compulsions are
Acts, physical of mental, preformed repeatedly in a way the person may realize is neither appropriate nor useful
OCD 4 major patterns
Germ leads to excessive hand washing
Doubts lead to excessive checking
Obsessions with compulsions that occupy hours of your time
Putting things into a specific order
T or F OCD can only be diagnosed if symptoms consume at-least 1 hour of your time and cause significant impairment
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Worry there is something wrong with their body and try to fix it
What you think, but when it starts to take up multiple areas or causes problems
Hair pulling
Skin picking, it has a tension release cycle
Reactive attachment disorder
Infant doesn’t establish healthy attachments, withdrawl, fear, sadness or irritability
Acute Stress Disorder
Dissociative Sympptoms, reexperiancing event, Avoidance, Anxiety or increased arousal, distress…less that 1 month
What are dissociative symptoms
Feeling numb, detached, emotionally unresponsive, reduced awareness of surroundings, strange environment, emotion/thoughts seem unreal, cant remember important parts of event
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
These kids have no fear to walk up to the gut giving out candy in the back of his white van despite what parents tell them, they don’t feel attached to parents
Same as acute stress but longer, and little more severe and with hyperarousal symptoms
Adjustment Disorder
Other things trump this. Feeling sadness, worry, jitteriness, crying spells, overwhelmed, ect.
Whats dissociation
Temporary mental escape from the fear and pain of the trauma
Depersonalization is
Cut of or detached from ones self
The exterior world is unreal or odd
Dissociative Amnesia
Person forgets something important, its rare someone actually forgets everything and who they are
Dissociative Fugue
A fugue state occurs,
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
Two or more different personalities, the original personality is not aware and they can not willingly switch.
Somatic Symptom Disorder
Must cause major distress, includes pain, problems breathing, abdominal complaints, menstrual disorder, paralysis or blindness, that regular treatment does not help
Illness anxiety disorder
Hypochondriac is the old name, fear of having a serious illness and it gives you anxiety, need constant reasurance
Conversion Disorder
Mental issue turns into a physical symptom, pain not included
Factitious Disorder
People cause themselves to be ill
Factitious disorder can also be on another, a person causing another person to be ill. T of F
What is munchausen syndrome?
An extreme form of factitious disorder thin about that lady who made it look like her daughter was sick for attention
They are fine but acting like they are not fine in order to GAIN something (not willing to undergo painful tests)