Disorders And Disease Of The Skin Flashcards
What is a condition caused by lack of sebum presents as scaly or dry
What condition results in excessive sweating
What condition is characterized by foul smelling perspiration
What condition is deficiency in perspiration or inability to sweat
Eye infection, red eyes irritated eyes
Weeping lesions on face, these are symptoms of
Flushing and pustular type, breakout on cheeks and nose
Small red bumps in the upper arms, thigh, side of the buttocks
Keratosis pilaris
The most dangerous form of skin cancer
Malignant melanoma
What is the purpose of ABCDE cancer checklist?
To spot signs of change in existing moles
Irregular brown wine colored skin discoloration
A stain
If someone has allergic contact, dermatitis, might you expect to see signs
Fingers, palms, face, and scalp
What causes all allergic contact dermatitis
An allergy to an ingredient or chemical due to repeated skin contact
Two types of contact dermatitis
Allergic and irritant
Small rip bumps or whitehead pimples around one or more follicles
A boil
A cluster of boils
Medication that influences hair growth
Hormone based Cortizone based
Effect of stress on hair growth
Can lead to access hair growth overtime
What is the difference between alopecia and hypo trichosis?
Alopecia is partial or complete loss of hair from where it typically grows
Hypo trichosis is when due to no hair, grows where it usually does
What is sycosis?
Inflammation of hair follicles in the beard area due to infection
Function of veins, in the circulatory system
Carries blood containing waste products to the heart and lungs for cleaning
What is the role of liver in hormone regulation?
Helps regulate the balance of hormones
What task does the skins Stratum corneum perform?
It forms a barrier to protect underlining tissue
The function of the deltoid muscle
It allows the arm to extend outward into the side of the body
Which layer of the epidermidis contains melanocytes?
Stratum germinativum/basal
The study of hair is called
Which glands are known as the oil glands in our connected to the hair follicle
Sebaceous gland
What is cytology
Study of cells
Where are free nerve ending located
What is the primary function of motor nerve fibers?
They convey impulses from the brain or spinal cord to muscles or glands
Which nerve fibers are responsible for causing goosebumps
Motor nerve, fiber
What is the role of sensory nerve fibers?
react to heat, cold, touch, pressure and pain
Which cell travel to the lymph nodes
Langerhans cells
What is the function of mast cells in skin?
To store, inflammatory, mediators, and regulate vasodilation
What is the primary function of eccrine glands?
To maintain homeostasis by stabilizing body temp through evaporation of sweat
Three layers of the inner root sheath
Henle’s layer
Huxley’s layer
What type of hair tends to be more sensitive to hormonal stimulus?
Terminal hair
What is the inner root sheath
The part of the lower hair follicle
What is the bulge
The area filled with follicular stem cells
The fibrous protein(elasticity) layer of the hair shaft
Short fine hair on a fetus
Short fine, unpigmented hair on the body
Long Pigmented hair on the scalp and body
Hair that has begun to look darker in appearance
What does hair density measure?
The number of individual hair strands on one square inch (2.5cm) skin classification of hair as thin, medium or thick
What determines the wave pattern of hair?
The shape of follicle, genetics
What are considered hair abnormalities?
Crook screw tombstone in grown hair
What is hair texture?
Diameter of an individual hair strand classification of hair as fine medium or course
What is hair composed of
Keratin, water, lipids
Which nutritions are essential for maintaining the hair growth cycle
Iron, zinc , vitamin D
Which factors can affect an individuals rate of hair growth
Vascular, psychological medication
Secretes hormones that affects all other glands of the endocrine system
Pituitary gland
Secretes melatonin, which affects hair growth and pigmentation
Pineal gland
Hypo, secretion, and hyper secretion of this bowtie shaped gland can cause hair loss
Thyroid gland
Located as sets at the bottom of the thyroid gland and produces parathormone
Parathyroid gland
Triangular shaped glands that produce cortisol androgens and small amount of estrogen
Adrenal glands
Contains clusters of cells called the islets of Langerhans that produce insulin
Ovaries mainly produced estrogen, while testes produced testosterone
What hormone does the thyroid gland produce?
What is the endocrine system?
controls the growth, development, reproduction, and health of the entire body
What is true of the endocrine gland?
They release hormones directly into the bloodstream
What is the function of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas?
To produce insulin
What is the pituitary gland?
A small organ composed of 2 glands located in the brain
Cortisol hormone produce, mainly in what gland
Adrenal gland
What nerve carries impulses from the brain to the muscles or glands?
Motor nerves
What is the function of the brain?
To control bodies function
What is nerves composed of?
Cell body dendrites an axon and axon terminals
What is the external jugular vein?
Vein that carries blood to the heart from the head face neck
The function of capillaries
Carry nutrients to the cells and carry away waste materials
What is the function of blood in the circulatory system?
To supply oxygen, and nutrients to the cells and tissue
The components of the Circulatory system
Heart arteries veins, capillaries
What impacts hair growth and sensation during hair removal treatments
Blood and lymph flow
What is polarity
Poles of an electrical current, either positive or negative
The disinfection process that inactivates some but not all bacterial spores
High level disinfectant
FDA cleared
Ex of high level disinfectants
Glutaraldehyde, hydrogen peroxide/ peracetic
A process capable of killing mycobacterium, tuberculosis, var.bovi, broad spectrum of bacteria,
Viruse, fungi, including herpes, staphylococcus, salmonella, HIV,AIDs viruses
Intermediate level disinfection
EPA regulates
Ex of intermediate level disinfection
70%-90% alcohols, quaternary ammonium compound and phenolic
A process capable of inactivating most bacteria some viruses and fungi but NOT bacterial spores or TB
Low level disinfection
EPA regulates
Are appropriate for disinfecting environmental or medical equipment (non-instruments) surfaces
A medical tool used for grasping or holding things.
Device used to test the method of sterilization being monitored
Biological indicator (BI)
FDA regulates
Device used to monitor all parts of the physical condition of a heat sterilization process by means of characteristic color change usually chemically treated paper strips
Chemical indicator
Does not indicate that sterilization has been achieved most indicates that only temp needed has been attained
High level ,Intermediate level, Low level are all classification of what
They are NOT final steps in processing instruments
Stainless steel bar held by the client during electrolysis
Indifferent electrodes
A microorganisms or substance capable of producing a disease
Item that may come in contact with mucous membrane and non-intact skin
Semi critical item
A small usually single-celled reproductive body,resistant to adverse environmental conditions including heat drying and chemical
The process of destroying all forms of microbial life
Destruction of living tissue in the hair follicle by means of AC applied with a solid wire filament or electrode
Sterilization (dry heat)
340F - 1 hour
320F- 2 hours
House keeping
Intermediate-level or low-level hospital grade disinfectant
Free of microorganisms that causes disease
First to remove ingrown eyelash, Optomologist 1875
the first person to perform thermoylsis. In France
Dr. Bordier 1923-1924
What serves as a second messenger
cAMP-cyclic adenosine monophosphate
Which hormone serves as first messengers, providing communication between endocrine glands and target organs
Posterior pituitary/neurohypophysis produces what hormones?
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) - stimulates retention of water by kidneys
Oxytocin (OT)- stimulates uterine contraction at the end of pregnancy, stimulates the release of milk into breast
Anterior pituitary / adenohypophysis produces what hormones?
(TSH)-thyroid stimulating hormone
(ACTH)-adrenocorticotropic hormone (stimulates secretion of adrenal cortex hormone)
(FSH)-follicle stimulating hormone (development of ovarian/development of sperm)
(LH)-luteinizing hormone (sex hormone
(GH)-growth hormone
(PRL)-prolactin ( breast development during pregnancy & milk secretion)
Promotes development of immune system cells
A condition in which large volumes of urine are formed
Diabetes insipidus
Nephrine is also known as
Deficiency or hyposecretion of adrenal cortex hormone results in a condition called.
Addison disease
2 cells in the pancreas islets
A cells- secrete glucagon hormone (glycogenolysis in the liver)
B cell- secretes insulin hormone (insulin decreases blood glucose
The smallest unit of universe
The smallest unit of substance/ matter
Center of energy
The Same amount of protons and electrons in an energy is what?
An Unstable energy system
The process of removing or adding electrons to an atom system
Electrons always flow from.
Negative to positive
Copper, zinc, brass, barbon are ex of what
A conductor
Rubber, plastic, glass, asbestos, steam and distilled water are Ex of what
Circuit does not complete its path
Short circuit
Circuit passing through the patients body
Complete circuit
Path of the electrical current
Unbroken connection between (+) and (-) poles of an electrical source
Closed circuit
Developed to control the amount of current flowing in a circuit
2 properties of electrical current
produces heat (resistance and friction)
produces electrical field + magnetic
Electricity at rest
Static electricity
Electricity in motion
(-) pole/ rod
(+) pole/rod
Current that flows even and constant in one direction
DC= battery/ chemical current
Count of electrons
Coulomb (K)
Current flow, intensity of the current, strength of the current
Ampere (A)
Milliampere or 1/1000 of an amp
A unit of electrical pressure
Current will not flow along a wire unless you have
Unit of electrical resistance
V= current(ampere) x resistance (ohms)
Unit measure of electrical energy
J= Wxtime
Unit measure of electrical power
Watt (W)
Ability of magnets to influence one another
Magnetic polarity
Unit measure of frequency
Rapid flow of electrons first in one direction and then in opposite directions
AC= heat
A device used for turning AC to DC
A device which smooths impulsed. Patterns
Device used for changing voltage
Increase in pressure/ voltage, decrease in current/amps
Step up transformer
Decrease in pressure/ voltage, increase in current/ amps
Step down transformer
Changes AC to HF current
A device for controlling the quantity of current flowing through a circuit, consists of a coil of resistance wire
Remove ingrown eyelashes
1875, Charles E. Michel
What is produced when you put the needle in the follicle
Sodium hydroxide
What is produced at the indifferent electrode
HCI hydrochloric acid
uL= ma x sec
ma is intensity of current
Units of lye
Faradays law
Pattern of destruction depends on what?
Depends on moisture gradient
The amount of electrons that flow into a surrounding tissue
Current density
Describe something that happens suddenly and for a short time
Opposition of chronic
This type of diabetes can lead to coma and death
Signs of DKA nausea, vomiting, stomach pain,fruity breath and rapid breathing
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
This type of diabetes develops on during pregnancy
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)
This hormone is produced by the alpha cell in the pancreas
Too much insulin in the blood produces
Hormones secreted by the three cell layers or zones of the adrenal cortex are called
The outer zone of the adrenal cortex cell secrets hormones called
mineralocorticoids (MCs)
The middle zone of the adrenal cortex secretes what hormone
Glucocorticoid (Gcs)
What hormone is the chief hormone of glucocorticoid
Cortisol or hydrocortisone
The innermost or deepest zone of the cortex secretes small amounts of
Sex hormones / testosterone
What gland curves over the top of each kidney
Adrenal glands
What are the two separate endocrine glands
Adrenal cortex
Adrenal medulla
The adrenal cortex is. The _____ part of the adrenal gland
The adrenal medulla is the ____ part of the adrenal glands
The adrenal medulla or inner portion of the adrenal glands secretes what hormone
Also known as adrenaline
An excess production of cortisol in indicative of what syndrome
Cushing syndrome
The dermis consist of what two layers
Reticular layer
Papillary later
A needle shaft surrounded with heat resistance coating
A needle with graduated diameter
A needle constructed with a rounded or blunt point at the tip
A needle constructed from a single piece of stainless steel metal
Regulates routine housekeeping
Used on skin to destroy microorganisms (do not use on inanimate objects)
An increase amount of hair in androgens dependent areas or where men would typically have hair and women would not (face, chest, abdomen and back
IPL wavelength
Ruby wavelength
Alex wavelength
IPL wavelength
A flat spot of discoloration, neither raised nor sunken
A small elevated pimple that contains no fluid
A solid lump larger then a papule
Largest of the fluidless lesions
Itchy swollen lesion temporary lasting ,a few mins to an hours
A clear fluid filled blister within or just beneath the epidermis
Larger then a vesicles containing fluids
Inflamed base and contains pus
Dirt grey or green
Pus crust
Red or black
Blood crust
Scab like accumulation of blood serum mixed with epidermal material
An accumulation of epidermal flakes
3 types of scars
Atrophic = depressed/sunken ex. Pitted scars
Hypertrophic= raised/ elevated ex. Keloid
Striae= stretch marks
Red colored papule cherry angioma
Hemorrhage bleeding under the skin
3 dimensional big bruise, longer healing time
Pin point bruise / oversized needle or erupted follicle
Abnormal whitening of tissue absense of pigment
What’s disease does the mite(little bugs) causes
A disease or infection that spreads on the face of the client after electrolysis
Always receive info (from other cells)
Inside the cell body (soma) the decision maker which contains genetic material DNA
The pathway for info
With continuous stimulation the nerves tire
Temporarily inhibility to fire as ast
Synapse fatigue
Adult acne
Acne rosacea
Sebaceous cyst size of a pea to an orange
Nose forehead and scalp dandruff
Dry scaly deficiency of sebum
A single hair remaining in a treated follicle caused by laser is referred to as