Disorders Flashcards
meaningless imitation of another person’s movements
immobility or rigidity
repetition of fixed patterns of movement and speech
Psychomotor Agitation
excessive motor and cognitive activity, usually nonproductive and in response to inner tension
Psychomotor Retardation
decreased or slowed motor and cognitive activity
state of restlessness characterized by an urgent need for movement, usually a side effect of med
speech that is delayed in reaching the point and contains excessive or irrelevant details
abrupt changing of focus to a loosely associated topic
Perserveration of Thought
a persistent focus on a previous topic or behavior after a new topic/behavior has been introduced
Poverty of Speech
limited in amount, one-word answers
Poverty of Content of Speech
speech that is adequate in amount but conveys little info due to vagueness, lack of specificity, and limited detail
Perserveration of Speech
continued, persistent repetition of a work or phrase, often in response to different stimuli or different questions
Nominal Aphasia
in ability to name objects
inability to process sensory info
A. two (or more) of the following :
1. delusions 2. hallucinations 3. disorganized speech 4. grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior 5. negative symptoms
B. disturbance in one or more areas of func
C. continuous signs for at least 6 months including at least 1mo of symps from A
Paranoid Schizophrenia
Preoccupation with one or more delusions of persecution or grandeur. auditory hallucinations
Schizophreniform Disorder
The pt meets the criteria for schizophrenia; however, the episode lasts more than 1mo but less than 5mo req for schizophrenia dx
Schizoaffective Disorder
uninterrupted period of illness where there is
a major mood episode (depressive, manic, mixed) concurrent with criterion A of schizophrenia
Delusional Disorder
nonbizarre delusions with the absence of other criterion A symps of schizophrenia
Brief Psychotic Disorder
A. presence of 1 or more of following symptoms
1. delusions 2. hallucinations 3. disorganized speech 4. grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior
B. duration at least 1 day but less than 1 month
C. not better explained by another disorder
Schizo Spectrum Disorders Functional Impact
deficits in processing sensory info making interaction w/environment difficult
lost or failed to develop social and communication skills
deficits in cognitive func due to thought disorders and difficulties with performance of basic skills with all areas of occupation
Traditional Antipsychotic Meds
used to treat psychosis (in particular, schizophrenia), and acute mania, agitation, and other conditions.
Not freq used, but still prescribed
Side effects include: dry mouth, muscle stiffness, muscle cramping, tremors, weight-gain, parkinsonism, dystonias, and akathisia.
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
an autonomic emergency leading to increased b/p, tachycardia, sweating, convulsions, and coma. complication of typical antipsychotics
Tardive Dyskinesia
caused by long-term use or high-dose of antipsychotic meds characterized by abnormal, involuntary, irregular movements of the head, limbs, and trunk, often presenting as slow, rhythmic, automatic, stereotyped movements
Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism
an antipsychotic caused disorder that presents with muscle stiffness, cogwheel rigidity, shuffling gait, stooped posture, and drooling
Atypical Antipsychotics
used to treat schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autism, and as an adjunct in major depressive disorder.
Side effects vary. Can include dry mouth, blurry vision, sedation, dizziness, hypotension, insomnia, confusion
Manic Episode
A. period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive or irritable mood lasting at least 1wk
B. 3 or more of following symptoms 1. grandiosity 2. decreased need for sleep 3. more talkative than usual or pressured speech 4. flight of ideas or racing thoughts 5. distractibility 6. increase in goal-directed activity or psychomotor agitation 7. increased risky behaviors
Bipolar I Disorder
One or more manic episodes
May be combined with depressive episodes
Bipolar II Disorder
One or more major depressive episodes
There must be at least one hypomanic episode
at least 2yrs of a depressed episode, most days, with depressive symps that are not severe enough to meet criteria for major depressive episode
Cyclothymic Disorder
at least 2yrs with numerous periods of hypomanic and depressive symps that do not meet criteria for a manic or major depressive episode
Hypomanic Episode
Symptoms are same as manic episode but not severe enough to cause marked impairment in social or occupational func or to req hospitalization
Treatment for Manic Episode
Mood Stabilizer
Side effects- excessive thirst, tremors, excessive urination, wt gain, nausea, diarrhea, and cognitive impairment
Side effects- dizziness, drowsiness, ataxia, wt gain, sedation
OT Considerations For Manic Intervention
Activities that provide release of excess energy
Periods between manic episodes should be used to educate
Major Depressive Disorder
A. 5 or more of following symptoms during same 2
week period
1. depressed mood most of day nearly every day
2. markedly diminished interest or pleasure
3. significant weight loss/ gain or decrease/increase in
4. insomnia or hypersomnia
5. psychomotor agitation/retardation
6. fatigue, loss of energy
7. feelings of worthlessness or guilt
8. diminished ability to concentrate or indecisiveness
9. recurrent thoughts of death/suicide (with or w/o plan)
Panic Attacks
abrupt surge of intense fear or intense discomfort that reaches a peak within 10min, with 4 or more or the following symptomsr: 1. palpitations 2.sweating 3. trembling or shaking 4. sensations of SOB or smothering 5. feelings of choking 6. chest pain or discomfort 7. nausea or abdominal distress 8. feeling dizzy, unsteady, light-headed, faint 9. chills or heat sensations 10. paresthesias 11. derealization or depersonalization 12. fear of losing control or “going crazy” 13. fear of dying
anxiety about being in places or situations from which escape may be difficult or embarrassing or in which help may not be available if needed
situations are avoided or endured w/anxiety about having a panic attack
Panic Disorder
recurrent unexpected panic attacks
at least one of the attacks has been followed
by 1 month or more of one or both of the
1. persistent concern or worry about having
another attack or consequences
2. significant maladaptive change in behavior
related to attacks
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events or activities
Considerations for OT Treatment of Anxiety Disorders
skills training and cognitive behavioral approaches may reduce avoidant behavior
relaxation and stress management skills
graded actv that promote self-efficacy
Schizoid Personality Disorder
dx in pt who display a lifelong pattern of social withdrawal
seen by others as isolated, eccentric, lonely
appear odd or strange in their thinking and behavior
magical thinking, peculiar ideas, illusions, and derealization
Borderline Personality Disorder
exp unstable affect, mood, behavior, relationships, and self-image
fear of real or imagined abandonment leads to frantic efforts to avoid it
re-current self-destructive or self-mutilation behavior carried out or threatened
Global Deterioration Scale
1 No cognitive decline
2 Very mild cognitive decline (Forgetfulness)
Deficit in word finding
3 Mild cognitive decline (Early confusional)
Decreased performance in demanding employment
4 Mod cognitive decline (Late confusional)
Decreased ability to perform complex tasks (finances)
Cannot manage home w/o assist
5 Mod severe cognitive decline (Early dementia)
Needs assist choosing proper attire
Poor judgement
6 Severe cognitive decline (Mid dementia)
May be incontinent; needs assist dressing and proper
7 Very severe cognitive decline (Late dementia)
Freq no speech, only grunting
Loss of ability to walk, sit up, hold head up, smile
Req assist for toileting and feeding
Eating Disorder Considerations for OT
Building trust is essential to effective intervention
Practitioner must be honest, supportive, and gently confrontational
Eval and intervention must include the needs the eating disorder fulfilled
Non-food related ares of interest and meaningful purposeful actvs should be pursued
Ed about nutrition and healthy leisure actv
Autism Crieteria
Persistent deficits in social communication and interaction across multiple domains
Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities. This may include: fixed routines, ritualized patterns, altered sensitivity and reactivity to sensory input
Symptoms present early in life ( 12-24 months or earlier) and cause significant impairment in social and/or occupational functioning.
Autism Signs in Infants
Low muscle tone
Hates baths, dressing or diaper changes
Startles easily when touched
Does not calm when held; may prefer to lie in the crib
Stiffens when picked up
Characteristics of Autism
Low muscle tone
Interested in parts of toys or mechanical objects
Seems unaware of surroundings
Does not make eye contact
Does not relate to others
Sleep problems
Fixates on one object
Children with Autism may…
May have restricted areas of higher functioning, and difficulty generalizing
May have self aggressive behaviors
May have seizure disorders and/or ADHD
May have difficulty with visual and auditory processing
Have difficulty with changes of routines and environments, difficulty transitioning between activities
Children Autism Deficits in Function
Poor gross and fine motor coordination
Decreased orientation in space and decreased balance
Difficulty processing tactile and proprioceptive activity
Level of attention and arousal are less than optimal, affecting learning and performance
Limited repertoire of coping skills
Rett Syndrome
rare genetic neurological and developmental disorder that affects the way the brain develops. It occurs almost exclusively in girls.
develop normally at first, but after about 6 months of age, they lose skills they previously had — such as the ability to crawl, walk, communicate or use their hands.
stereotypical movements such as handwringing and licking, biting, and slapping of fingers
Autism Spectrum Considerations for OT
Develop sensorimotor, social interaction, vocational readiness, and community integration
Provide adaptive and positioning equip to facilitate func
Rett’s synd may req adaptions to maintain the integrity of skin, such as dynamic elbow splinting to inhibit hand-to-mouth patterns
ADHD Considerations for OT
Environmental mods and actv adaptions to structure the school or work environment
Training in social skills and self-management
Interventions to promote sensory modulation
OCD Eval
Individuals with OCD frequently experience time consuming compulsions having to do with thoughts and/or actions.
Limiting the time available to answer questions will help these individuals structure their time and be able to more effectively complete the evaluation process.
Cooperative Groups for Personality Disorders
Because the underlying issues for most personality disorders are related to inaccurate perceptions of the self and others, this treatment approach should directly address these problems.
A cooperative group format offers a wide variety of feedback about the specific interactions that occur. The group activity should be based on a central goal of reducing misperceptions.
IQ Range 55-69
indicates mild intellectual disability
Ability to learn academic skills at 3rd-7th grade lvl; able to work w/min support
Min support req
IQ Range 40-54
Indicates mod intellectual disability
Able to learn academic skills to at least 2nd grade lvl and perform unskilled as well as some skilled work tasks
focus acquiring indepen in routine daily skills and skills necessary to perform in desired occupations with supports and structures
limited support and assist may be req in specific occupational performance areas on a daily basis
Supervised living is req
IQ Range 25-39
indicates severe intellectual disability
Focus on communication skills and some basic health habits
Assist is req for performance of most tasks in all performance areas on a daily basis
Supervised living is req
Significant impairments in motor func and physical develop are typical
IQ 25 OR Below
Assist and ongoing supervision are req for basic survival skills
Significant impairments in motor func and physical develop are typical
Supervised living is req
Discharge Activity Recommendations for Anxiety Disorders
Gross motor activities, involving either aerobic exercise or stretching and relaxation, can help to reduce the physical symptoms associated with anxiety.