Diseases With Skin Manifestations Flashcards
Peripheral vascular disease
Loss of hair on hands and feet, delayed capillary filling, dependent rubor (redness), pain
Rheumatic heart disease
Petechiae, urticaria, nodules, erythema
Thromboangitis obliterans (buerger disease)
Pallor or cyanosis, gangrene, ulceration
Venous ulcers
Leathery, brownish skin on lower legs, itching, concave lesion with edema, scar tissue with healing.
Addison disease
Loss of body hair (especially axillary), generalized hyperpigmentation (accentuated in folds)
Androgen deficiency
Development of sparse hair, marked decrease in sebum production
Androgen excess
Enlarged facial pores, male sex characteristics, acne, acceleration of coarse hair growth
Erythematous plaques on shins, delayed wound healing, neuropathy, acanthosis nigricans (velvety, dark skin on the neck and skin folds)
Glucocorticoid excess (Cushing syndrome)
Atrophy, striae, epidermal thinning, telangiectasia, acne, decreased subcutaneous fat over extremities, thin loose dermis, impaired wound healing, increased vascular fragility, mild hirsutism, excess collection of fat over clavicles back of neck abdomen and face
Hyperpituiterism (acromegaly)
Coarsened skin, deepened lines, increased oiliness and sweating, acne, increased number of nevi, hyperpigmentation, hypertrichosis (excess hair growth)
Increased sweating, warm skin with persistent flush, thin nails, alopecia, fine soft hair
Opaque brittle nails with transverse ridges, coarse sparse hair with patchy alopecia
Cold dry pale to yellow skin, generalized nonpitting edema, dry coarse brittle hair, brittle slow growing nails.
Abnormal sweat gland function
Cystic fibrosis
Scaly skin
Deficiency of essential fatty acids