Normal Tympanic Membrane
shiny,pearly grey in color with with a concavity on its lateral surface more marked at the tip of malleus,the umbo
a bright cone of light underneathe
retracted tympanic membrane
it appears dull and lustreless. Cone of light either absent or interrupted, handle of malleus appears foreshortened,lateral process of malleus prominent, ant and post malleal folds become sickle shaped
myringitis bullosa
painful condition characterized by formation of hemorrhage blebs on the tympanic membrane and deep meatus. It is probably caused by a virus or M. pneumoniae
Herpes Zoster Oticus
a viral infection involving a geniculate ganglion of facial nerve . it is characterized by appearance of vesicles of on the tympanic membrane,deep meatus,concha and retroauricular sulcus. may involve 7 and 8 CN
atrophic tympanic membrane
middle fibrous layer gets absorbed leving a thin drumhead which easily gets collapsed w eustachian tube insufficiency
Hyalinization and calcification in the fibrous layer of the tympanic membrane
Chalky white plaque
Serous otitis media