Diseases of the Stomach Pt. 2 Flashcards
Medical therapy in egus 2 goals:
-Control gastric acid
– Mucosal protectant
Diet modifications include increasing periods of fasting and decreasing roughage, reduce grain/concentratesT/F
F limiting fasting dapat at increasing roughage
roughage to be given in modifications include
- pasture turnout (green grass)
- free choice hay
- Alfalfa hay-dietary antacid
- Calcium Carbonate supplements
______ may help buffer stomach contents by providing it throughout day and night
Alfalfa hay/mixed alfalfa hay
Concentrates should be fed in small amounts, distributed in at least 5 feedings
throughout day (base on requirements?)
and should not exceed 0.2 kg of grain/100kg BW T/F
F - 3 feedings dapat , 0.5kg
Contains protective factors
(phospholipids) for stomach lining
* Rancidity can be a problem
– Produces ketoaldehydes which are
* Steam pasteurization can help
decrease potential for rancidity
– Storage in refrigerator
Rice bran / oil
Decreases stomach acid
* Increases
protective factors (PG)
* Provides Omega
3 & 6 fatty acids
* Dose: 8 oz once to
twice daily
Corn oil
Management Modifications
Limit stressful events
* Long-term stall
* Trailering
* Overcrowding
* Semen collection and
natural breeding?
Neutralizing agents and example of answer
- neutralize HCl
Al/Mg hydroxide
Antisecretory agents
Histamine H2 receptor
antagonists (Zantac™)
– Acid pump inhibitors
Healing/Improvement of Ulcers
example of Histamine H2 Receptor Antagonists
Role: Competitive inhibition of the
interaction of histamine of w/ _____
inhibition of gastric acid secretion is dose dependent T/F
Zantac® (ranitidine), Tagamet®
parietal cell
zantac is cheap (generic), known for its availability, and must be administered 2x daily T/F
F - 3x dapat
adheres to ulcerated mucosa; stimulates mucus secretion and enhances PGE synthesis
Sucralfate (sucrose and AlOH3)
– best for glandular mucosal lesions and duodenum
Sucralfate (sucrose and AlOH3)