Diseases of the nasal cavity Flashcards
What are the clinical signs associated with nasal disease?
- Nasal discharge
- Sneezing
- Pawing at face/pain
- Resiratory difficulty on inspiration
- Stertor–noisy respiration (blockage)
Nasal discharge: what should we consider
History and PE findings?
- Signalment
- Age–young vs. old
- Breed–dolichocephalic and brachycephalic
- History and physical exam findings
- Character of discharge–unilateral vs. bilateral, serous, mucoid, purulent, hemorrhagic
- Facial symmetry/asymmetry (soft vs. firm)
- Dental disease–always check
- Depigmentation of nasal area (ex: aspergillosis)
- Local lymph nodes
- Oropharyngeal examination and otic examination–when polyp is suspected
- Ocular examination–ocular retropulsion
Nasal discharge: what should we consider
Advanced clinical tests?
- Bloodwork (make sure animal can clot)
- Imaging
- Rads (not usually helpful)
- Endoscopy–rhinoscopy
- Cytology/biopsy/culture and sensitivity
- Serology titres and PCR–infectious diseases
Nasal discharge–differential list?
- Neoplasia–important in dogs
- Rhinitis–important in cats
- Infectious
- Fungal, viral (feline upper respiratory disease complex), bacterial, parasitic
- Inflammatory
- Lymphocytic/plasmacytic
- Infectious
- Nasal foreign body
- Dental disease/oronasal fistulas
- Trauma
- Congenital
- Ciliary dyskinesia
- Nasopharyngeal stenosis
- Systemic disorder
- Coagulopathy
- Pneumonia (occasionally)
Nasal foreign bodies
- Sudden onset
- Acute sneezing
- Gagging/reverse sneezing
- Pawing at nose
- Discharge–serous to mucoid purulent (won’t show immediately)
Nasal foreign bodies
- Rads–only good for radiodense material
- Rhinoscopy (endoscope vs. otoscope)
- Remember to examine caudal nasopharynx
- Nasal flush
- Alligator forceps/biopsy
- Cytology of discharge (rule out other dz)
- Culture/sensitivity (usually unnecessary)
- Explorative sx (unlikely)
Infectious rhinitis–feline upper respiratory disease complex
Potential infectious agents?
- 90% of cases
- Feline herpes virus
- Feline calicivirus
- 10% of cases
- Chlamydophila felis
- Mycoplasma spp
- Coronavirus
- Bordetella spp
Infectious rhinitis–feline upper resp. disease complex
Clinical signs
- Similar for all agents
- Differences include:
- Herpes virus
- Ulcerative keratitis
- Punctate or dendritic ulcers
- Calicivirus
- Ulcers on nose, tongue, hart palate
- Pneumonia
- Lameness
- Chlamydophila felis
- Conjunctivitis w/ chemosis
- Carrier states w/ all
- Herpes virus shed during stress
- Calicivirus and chlamydophila can be shed w/ or w/o stress
- Herpes virus
Feline herpes virus–rhinotracheitis
- Spread–direct contact, fomites
- Shed in ocular, nasal, pharyngeal secretions
- Nasal disease–serous then mucopurulent due to secondary bac. infection
- Establishes lifelong latency–esp. trigeminal nerve ganglia
- Diagnosis–clinical signs, viral isolation, PCR
Feline herpes virus–rhinotracheitis
- Chronic rhinitis/sinusitis–feline chronic rhinosinusitis
- Short nosed breeds
- Turbinate damage predisposes to secondary bac. infections of the nasal cavity–chronic snuffler
- Chronic conjunctivitis
- Fibrosis of lacrimal ducts–epiphora
80% of recovered cats become carriers and shed when stressed
Feline herpes virus–rhinotracheitis
Transmission cycle?
Feline herpes virus
- Topical antivirals for ocular disease
- Idoxuridine, trifluridine, cidofovir
- Oral antivirals
- Famciclovir, acyclovir
- Supportive care
- Antibiotics for secondary bac. infection
- Fluid therapy if required
- Humidify environment
- Nasal decongestant
- L-lysine?
- Not effective, but >80% of vets use it–DON’T USE
Feline herpes virus
- Does not prevent infection
- Does reduce severity
- Parental or intra-nasal
- Parental–blocked by maternal antibodies, does not prevent a carrier state
- Intranasal–useful in outbreaks, not blocked by maternal antibodies
- Post-vaccine sneezing common
- May prevent a carrier state
- Shed
Feline calicivirus (FCV)
Mutation rates?
Incubation period?
- Longer survival in the environment
- Can be resistant to routine disinfectants
- High mutation rate–new strains always being produced w/ no cross-protection from vaccines or other strains (RNA virus)
- Many isolates–various antigenic and pathogenic types
- Direct transmission or via fomites
- Incubation period short: 2-4 days
Feline calicivirus
Transmission cycle?
Feline calicivirus
Clinical signs?
Difference from feline herpes virus?
- Clinical signs
- Typical signs for feline viral rhinotracheitis
- Oral and nare ulcers are common
- FCV vs. FHV
- Pneumonia more common w/ FCV
- FCV can result in GI signs
- FCV can cause lameness
- 50% of infected cats will shed the virus at 75 days post-infection; don’t need stress to shed the virus
Feline calicivirus
2 other syndromes associated w/ FCV?
- Limping kitten syndrome
- Lameness, ulcers on paws, sore joints, polyarthritis
- Virulent hemorrhagic systemic syndrome
- Outbreak in 2000, group of housed cats
- Affected even well-vaccinated cats, the traditional vaccine did not protect the cats from this variant
- Upper resp signs preceded systemic signs
- Edema, hepatitis, diarrhea, pustular dermatitis, hemorrhagic cystitis found
- 40-60% mortality w/ this strain
Feline calicivirus
- Treatment
- Largely supportive
- Antibiotics
- Nursing care/rehydration
- Interferon may be effective
- Largely supportive
- Sequelae
- Chronic rhinitis/sinusitis/conjunctivitis
- Carrier state