Diseases and Disorders Flashcards
A cancerous lump or swelling in the testicle, a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum
Testicular Cancer
Abnormal amount of body fat
Abnormal curvature of the spine
Abnormal loss of transparency of lens
Abnormally high intraocular pressure due to a build-up of aqueous humor inside the ant chamber
Acute infectious disease due to toxin growing anaerobically at the site of injury.
Acute infectious disease due to toxin growing anaerobically at the site of injury
Acute, contagious respirator infection characterized by sudden onset, fever,chills,headache
Acute, contagious, febrile disease characterized by inflammation of the paratid and salivary glands
Body is deficient of iron which impairs the body’s ability to make normal hemoglobin
Iron Deficiency Anemia
Breaking a bone
Calculus or crystalline masses present in the pelvis of the kidney
Kidney Stones
Cancer of the ovaries
Ovarian Cancer
Cancer of the prostate, second most common cancer among men in the U.S
Prostate Cancer
Cancer of the uterine cervix
Cervical/uterine cancer
Cancer of the bronchial tree
Lung Caner
Chronic disease of middle aged persons with elongation and enlargement of ones and exremeties
Chronic disease of weight bearing joints; destruction of articular cartilage, bone spurs, impairment
Chronic disorder of carbohydrate metabolism with hyperglycemia and glucose; deficient insulin
Diabetes mellitus
Chronic disease of the liver characterized by formation of desne connective tissue in hepatic cells
Colorectal Cancer
Chronic nervous disease caused by fine slowly spreading tremor muscular weakness and rigidity.
Decubitus Ulcers
Chronic pain in muscles and soft tissues surrounding joints
Chronic pulmonary disease characterized by increase in the size of the alveolar clusters
Chronic, organic mental disorder a form of pre-senile dementia due o atrophy
Alzheimer disease
Completely unexpected and unexplained death of and apparently well or virtually well infant
Concretion formation in the gallbladder or bile duct
Condition caused by a partial or complete occlusion of one or more coronary arteries
myocardial infarction
Condition in which the patient has a higher blood pressure than that judged to be normal
Condition of being abnormally small
Congenital condition due to lack of thyroid secretion; arrested physical and mental development
Congenital defect in the walls of the spinal canal caused by the lack of union between the laminae.
Spina Bifida
Deafness resulting from damage to the nerves or to the organ of corti.
Sensorineural Deafness
Decrease in the amount of circulating RBC’s lost because of hemorrhage or bleeding
Hemorrhagic Anemia
Defect in the cusp of a heart valve results in te leakage of blood tough closed valve
Dietary deficiency of vitamin B12 or the loss of the inrinsic factor from the lining of the stomach
Pernicious Anemia
Distorted vision or blindness due to growth fo new blood vessels over the macula lutea
Macular Degeneration
Excessive production of thyroid hormones to increase metabolism
Failure of the kidneys to perform their essential functions
Renal Failure