Diseases Flashcards
Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
Chromosome 16
PKD1 mutation in 85%
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Chromosome 5
APC gene
Huntington’s Disease
Chromosome 4
Trinucleotide repeat disorder (CAG)
Neurofibromatosis type 1
Chromosome 17
Long arm
Neurofibromatosis type 2
Chromsome 22
NF2 gene
von Hippel-Lindau disease
Chromsone 3p
VHL gene (tumor suppressor)
Cystic Fibrosis
Chromosome 7
CFTR gene (Auto recessive)
Down Syndrome
Trisomy 21
Edwards’ Syndrome
Trisomy 18
Patau’s Syndrome
Trisomy 13
Robertsonian translocation
Nonreciprocal chromosomal translocation that commonly invovles chromosome paris 13, 14, 15, 21, and 22.
Cri-du-chat syndrome
Chromosome 5
Microdeletion of the short arm
Williams Syndrome
Chromosome 7
Microdeletion of the long arm
DiGeorge Syndrome
Chromosome 22q11 deletion
Velocardiofacial Syndrome
Chromosome 22q11 deletion