Diseases Flashcards
Kleinfelter Syndrome
47, XXY Phenotypes: learning disability delayed speech reduced body hair INFERTILITY hypospadias gynecomasiatia "female" body type
Jacobs Syndrome
47, XYY Phenotypes: learning disability speech delay developmental and behavioral delays Autism spectrum affects males
Triple X Syndrome
47, XXX Phenotypes: learning disabilities delayed speech and motor seizures kidney issues affects females
Turner Syndrome
45, X0
-Cardiac: coarctation of aorta, bicuspid aortic valve
-Eyes: epicanthal folds, blue sclera
-Ear, Nose, Mouth: low set ears, micronathia
-Neck: web neck, cystic hydroma
-Chest: pectus excavatum, widely spaced nipples
Skeleton: cubitus valgus, short stature, short 4th MCP
Learning: difficulty in math, poor spacial and verbal skills
Other: INFERTILITY, urinary, vision and hearing, hypothyroidism, gonadal dysgenesis (results in PRIMARY AMENOHHREA)
- Defect in PAH liver enzyme (Phe –> Tyr)
- Unable to break down phenylalanine
- Affects CNS development
- Phenotypes: hyperactivity, seizures, microcephaly, mental impairment
- Treatment: low-phenylalanine diet, BH4 supplement (for those with defect in BH4 cofactor)
- Test in neonates
PKU Maternal Effect
PKU women have increased risk of congenital malformation and mental impairment in offspring - regardless of child’s genotype
alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency
- Results in decreased elastin
- alpha 1-antitrypsin inhibits action of elastase
- Elastase breaks down elastin
- ATD results in lack of elastase inhibition –> degradation of elastin in lungs –> alveolar wall damage –> emphysema
- More common in N. Europeans
ATD Alleles
1) Z allele: results in low alpha 1-antitrypsin = cause for majority of ATD
- misfolded protein also accumulates in liver = liver damage and failure
2) S allele:
- S/S genotype has 50% mL activity
- usually don’t express phenotype
Tay-Sach Disease
- Fatal genetic disorder in kids
- More prevalent in Ashkenazie Jews
- Lysosomal Storage Disorder
- Mut in HEXA gene –> defective Alpha Hex A Enzyme subunity –> defect in HexA enzyme
- Phenotypes: neuro deteriation (3-6mo), die age 2-4, muscle weakness, seizures, vegetative state, mental impairment
Sandhoff Disease
- Mut in HEXB gene –> defective beta Hex A subunit
- Results in defect in HexA and HexB enzyme activity
AB Variant TS
- Defect in GM2 activator protein
- HexA and HexB enzymes nml
- GM2 accumulates
Gaucher Disease
- Lysosomal Storage Disease
- Autosomal Recessive
- Type 1: non-neuropathic, poor growth and development, bone disease
- Type 2: severe neuropathic, lethal age 2
- Type 3: later onset, mildly neuropathic, visceral complications
Trisomy 21 General Info
- Due to unbalanced translocation between Chr 21 and another ACROCENTRIC chromosome
- Due to error in nondisjunction
- Increased risk w/ maternal age
Trisomy 21 Phenotypes
- midfacial hypoplasia: small face
- mild hypotonia
- upslanting palpebral fissures
- small ears
- large appearing tongue
- clinodactyly (incurving 5th finger)
- Transverse palmar crease
- Increased space between 1st + 2nd toes
Medical Problems Associated
with Trisomy 21
- Cardiac: in approx 50% DS pts, atrioventricular canal
- GI: esophageal atresia, hirschsprung’s, feeding problems, constipation, GERD, celiac
- Developmental: delayed gross motor development (from hypotonia), spectrum of intellectual disability, speech problems
- Early onset Alzheimer’s Disease