Disease Modifying Anti-RA Drugs (Wolff) Flashcards
What are the 4 csDMARDS (non-biologics)
- methotrexate (drug of choice for RA)
- hydroxychloroquine (lysosomal pH)
- sulfasalazine (sulfa drug and “triple therapy)
- leflunomide (second drug of choice for RA)
What are the 5 categories of bDMARDS (biologics)
- TNF alpha blockers (etanercept, adalimumab, infliximab)
- B cell depleted (CD20 mAb) (rituximab)
- T cell activation inhibitor (abatacept)
- IL-6 receptor mAb (tocilizumab)
- Recombinant IL-1 antagonist (anakinra)
What is the one tsDMARD?
jak 3 inhibitor - tofacitinib
csDMARDS (non-biologics); inhibitor of DHF reductase; works faster than all other DMARDs (3-6 weeks) and works in 80% of patients; drug of choice for RA; taken once per week orally or by injection; well tolerated but can have life threatening toxicities of bone marrow suppression; contraindicated in pregnancy (fetal death)
What is the faster working DMARD?
methotrexate; csDMARDS (non-biologics); inhibitor of DHF reductase
What is the drug of choice for RA?
methotrexate; csDMARDS (non-biologics); inhibitor of DHF reductase
hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
a csDMARDS (non-biologics); weak base that accumulates in lysosomes; increased the pH and limits the class II MHC presentation on immune cells; also an antimalarial drugs; toxicity of IRREVERSIBLE retinal damage
Which drug works by increases the pH in lysosomes?
hydroxychloroquine (HCQ); increased the pH and limits the class II MHC presentation on immune cells
Which drug is there a risk for IRREVERSIBLE retinal damage?
hydroxychloroquine (HCQ); increased the pH and limits the class II MHC presentation on immune cells
a csDMARDS (non-biologics) used to treat RA in a “triple therapy” with methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ); GI side effects also a sulfa drug
a csDMARDS (non-biologics) used to treat RA; inhibits T cell proliferation; second drug of choice in RA; can cause hepatotoxicity and increase the risk of serous infections
treatment recommendation for patients with LOW disease activity?
csDMARDS (non-biologics)
hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) > sulfasalazine > methotrexate > leflunomide
general rules regarding biologic DMARDs?
- they have a faster onset of action than the non-biologics
- they have a high rate of response
- they are more expensive
- they have increased risks for severe adverse effects
What are the 3 TNF alpha blockers?
work by neutralizing TNF, risk of serious infections, TB and allergic reactions
etanercept - fusion protein, once weekly subQ injection (93K/yr)
adalimumab - chimeric mAb, every 8 weeks (16K/yr)
infliximab - recombinant anti-mAb, lowest risk, BEST SELLING DRUG IN THE WORLD (100K/yr)
a bDMARDS (biologics) B cell depleted (CD20 mAb); “a B cell do over”; used in combination with methotrexate; watch for hypersensitivity reactions
T cell activation inhibitor bDMARDS (biologics); “blocks the secret handshake between B cells and T cells”; prevents CD28 and CD80/86 binding; not used until after TNF antagonist have failed; risk of serious infections
IL-6 receptor mAb bDMARDS (biologics); competes for human IL-6 receptor; limits hepatic acute phase response and activation of T cells; adverse effects of URI’s and life threatening infections
Which drug has an adverse effect of causing URI’s?
tocilizumab; IL-6 receptor mAb bDMARDS (biologics); competes for human IL-6 receptor; limits hepatic acute phase response and activation of T cells; adverse effects of URI’s and life threatening infections
Recombinant IL-1 antagonist bDMARDS (biologics); blocks the pro-inflammatory effects of IL-1; consider less efficacious and a late choice for RA treatment; risk of serious infections and hypersensitivity reactions
the one tsDMARD; jak 3 inhibitor the directly suppresses the production of IL-17 and IFN-gamma and the proliferation of CD4+ T cells; administered orally; can cause fatal infections and increases risk for malignancies (thought to be overpriced)