Disease Frequency Level 1 Flashcards
What is a case
Someone with an outcome of interest
How can we tell how common a health state is in a population? Define+pros/cons
- Count-don’t know how many out of
- Prevalence: Number of existing cases+new cases of disease in a population at or during some designated time /average population/midpoint population (*100)
-Expressed as % or number of cases per unit size of population
-Indication of extent of health problem (burden)
Pro: Helps us determine allocation of health resources such as facilities and personnel
What is point prevalence?
point prevalence=number of cases (BOTH NEW AND EXISTING CASES) total number in this group at point in time (Point of time=a specific day, today on February 6 that is the point)
What is period prevalence formula?
new+existing cases/average population during a time period, or can use midpoint population
What is (cumulative) incidence, or risk
- Estimates the risk of the health-related event
- Number of new cases during a specified time interval/pop at risk
How do you calculate incidence?
Incidence: Number of new cases over a time period/ Total population at risk during the same time period *100
What is attack rate? How do you calculate it?
- Similar to cumulative incidence
- Used to quantify risk for infectious diseases
- number of cases/population at risk
What is loss to follow up?
When somebody drops out of your study
Incidence density (rate)
- Used when measures of population are under observation for different lengths of time
- person-time of observation as denominator
What is person-time?
sum of periods of time at risk for each member of population
What is the formula for incidence density (rate)?
incidence density= number of new cases during the time period/total person-time of observation
If period of observation is measured in years, formula becomes:
incidence density=number of new cases during the time period/total person-years of observation
- anyone with disease cannot contribute to risk
- only count the participant for the amount of time they contributed
What is incidence?
Risk of getting the disease
When calculating point prevalence, we only use average population or mid point population?
Average population