disease dilemmas Flashcards
what is an epidemic ?
- a disease that speads rapidly but within a countained area
what is an infectious disease and non infectious disease
- a disease that can spread through the enviroment and one that cant
what is a communicable disease vs non comunicable disease
- esentully an infectious vs non invesctous disease
- spread from one person to another through a variety of ways that include: contact with blood and bodily fluids, surfes, breathing in an airborne virus; or by being bitten by an insect.
what does endemic mean
- a desease regularlly occuring in an area
what is adisease transmitted by animals called
- A zoonotic disease
give a example of an epidemic and why it dint spread to become a pandemic
- out break of ibola in west affrica in march 2014
- west affrica is less developed and has more rural areas. this means it is less effected by teh affets of Globalsiation such ascontant air traval and comunting. therefore the disease did not easilly spred - manged to be contained
what does contagious mean
- spread from one person or to another, by direct contact with them or indirrect ( sneeze)
what does TB stand for
describe the patterns of malaria transmittions and why
- primarrily between the troppics
- This is because malaria is transmitted via mosquetos. Mosquetos breed in water and can only survise in hot areas + liek hot hudid conitions
1. africa - deprivation + perfect cliamte
2. sub sarharan africa - 90% of malaria deaths and cases worl d wide
what type of disease is malaria
Infectious and comunicable (zoonotic) but not contagous
where has malaria been erradicated and why
- Affective public health measues in AC’s such as US states bordering the Gulf of Mexico and Austrailia
what type of disease is HIV
An infectious,comunicbale and contagous disease
hoe many people are at risk of malaria
3.2 billion
in 2015 how many people were infescted by HIV
35 million
where is HIV primarrily located + why
Sub saharan arfica
* little contraseption
* prosetution
* sharing needles
* intergenrational relations
* lack of tretemt as expenive
* lack of eduction as under developed
* stigmas around homosexullty ( safe sex not takked of)
what type of disease is TB
- infectious, highly contagous
In 2013 how many deatsh and cases of TB were there
- 1.3 million deatsh 9 million cases
where is TB previlant
- all across teh golbe but predominatly LIDC’s ( sub saharan africa)
1. links with HIV - weeken amunse system - contct TB and that will kill them
2. ( highly trnmittable though air )
3. can be cured and vaccinated ( why in LIDC’s) ( this is unlik malaria and HIV)
what esentually is diabetes
a defficiancy of insulin
what type of disease is diabetes
Non comunicable disese
how many peopel world wide have diabetes and how many die of it each year
- 250 million
- 4 million
where is diabetes most common
- North america
- south asia and east asia
- EDC’s followed by AC’s
what are the two types of diabestese
- Type- genetic primarilly but there are some (early epigenetic factors involved aswell - dont need to metion)
- type 2 - developes in adult hood from poor diet and inactiverty and obeseity - epigenetic
why si diabetese fround predominantly in the places it is
- Northamerica- high rates of obeseity, lack off physical exersize from epoepel working in more mangement and office jobs, poor diet of prossed high fat and sugar foods
- Asia- rapid transition to a processed food high fat high carb diet taht theyre not at all cuturally suited to
What is a CVD
Cardiovascular disease
give a list of CVD’s
- heart disease
- strokes
- hypertension ( high bood presure )
who does CVD predominantly effect
aging populations in AC’s and EDC’s emeging
* russia, north america easetern europe ( diet and smoking)
when standardised by age where are the highest CVD death rates
- russia
- subsaharan affica
- the arabian peninsula
how many deatsh is CVD responcable for per year
17 million
what pecentage of CVD deaths happen in low and middle income countires
- 80%
what the primary cause of an early death from a CVD and what causes this
- tabbaco consumption
1. this in influneced by cultual attitudes so in russia smoking in teh more and tehy are amung the highest deaths and case rate from CVD’s
whats the model that maps the spread of cumularive disease infection rate over time
The Hagerstarand model
what are the 4 stages of the disease outbreak model …………
**the hagerstarnd model **
* primary phase
* expansion
* condensation
* saturation
1. with saturation its never quite flat as so few diseas are erradicated
what is the neighbourhood effect
- people who live in closer proximerty have a greater chance of catching teh disease
1. the extent of the effect is usually describes by the number of peopel living in a 5km grid square
whats is network diffusion + give an exmapel
- Network diffusion occures when a disease spreads via social networks - its larger one place to another (kinda liek diaspora networks in migration but specific groups
2. HIV with sexual networks in west africa amung postitutes and truck drivers and then sexual networks
what is contagious diffusion
- contagous diffusion relies on dirrect contact with an indervidual with the disease
1. west africa ibola 2014, ( why its spred was so slow)
what is higharchical diffusion + example
ordered spread of diseassed e.g from lareg cities to rural small villaegs / largest countries to snallest
1. H1N1 virus ( influensa/flue) starteing 2009 in nexico tehn following major air travel roots startin
name aother pandemic not covid
H1N1 influensa 2009
where did covid originate
- its a disease froma wet market in wuhan china - or a lab leak
how many passangers dows WAN ( world air transportantion network ) transport a day
12.3 million people
when was covid anounced as a pandemic
11th march 2020
list the 4 types of diffusion of diseases
- higherarchical
- net work
- contagous
- expansion
- relocation
what is expantion diffusion ( draw it) + example
when a diseases diffuses dirrectly outwars from the place of the outbreak. the closes areas being effected most rappidly
- an example would eb an outbreak of TB
what is the fist disease case called
- the outbreak
what is relocation diffusion + example
when the disease leaves teh area of original outbreak and begin to spred faster in anew area.
1. chorella 2010 hati from nepalise UN aid wokers
exapalin the primary disease thats easonal varriation effects
- malaria
what solely physical factors effect disease outbreaks/ distrabustion
- temperature
- precipitaion,
- relife
- water sources
- ( seasonal variation )
- ( climate change )
( metioned sepertly in sec, also relate in your answer)
what is mean by disease vector
a living organism that can tranfure disease between humans or from other animals to humans
what three diseases that you need to know about are eefeted by seasonal varriation and how
- bilhartzia- ( type of worm that burrows from sains out and then into your foot) thrives under condition 10-30C
- malaria - mosqiyooes can only survise in walm tempertures and breed in water so just prior to the monsoons there is a spike in cases and in summer + no cases in cold highland regeins
- Influensa - cold and flue season in the autum and winter months in northern regains. influensa spreds more quickly as more people are inside in close proxemity, inhancing the neighbourhood effect
what 2 physical factors exasturbate other physical factors and affect desease distrabution
- seasonal variation
- climate change
what does climate chage do to physicl factors effetcing disease + 3 example
- increase tempertures= incresed humidity of the atmosphere and incresed rainfall
- lyme disease expanding northwards because of the walmer conditions in the US - there are even the first reported cases in canda
- malaria incresed outbreaks
- increased natural disaters - hailti and chlorella
how has incresed malaria outbreaks due to climate change effected etheopia
- 52% of the pupulation are at risk
- kills 70,000 a year
- doent discriminate with age gener etc
where does bilharzia come from
- parasites in fresh water sails snails
- leave and go into water where burrows into peoples feet
- leaves in urine and fesise
how does climate chage effect bilharzia
- drys out water souces
- peopel are forced to use contaminated water
- lake malowi has it
- effects LIDC’s more as easy to treat with right health care and rest
what is an example of bilhartzia and reclocation deiffusion ( because of migration )
- someone got it from lake malawi moved/ went back to croatia, ecreeted in a lake and there is an outbreak ther now.
what effects teh spread of zoonotic diseases
4 examples for the points
- when the movement of wild animals is unristricted by physical or political broundries eg mountian ranges or roads and citys
1. TB in the tundra with Thrax migration - if domestic animals can be infected
- live markets and consumption of meat
1. covid - if pets and live stockcanot be vaccinated (LIDC’s)
- if there is limmited cotrole over ferral animals like
1. dogs with rabease or
2. rats with the plague - shared animal human sanitaiona nd drinking water
what si teh epiodemeological transition model
- describes how countries are effected by disease depending on their level of developmet
where are non comunicable diseases most presant
- EDC’s
how many stages are their to the epiodemeological transition model
what are teh stages to teh epiodemiological transition model
- stage 1 -
1. no health care
2. low life expectacy 30 years
3. moratllity is from comunicable diseases
4. non countires at this stage but soem groups such as mongolian herds men - stage 2-
1. some healthcare
2. life ex rises 50 years
3. still main cause of death is CD as people dont live long enough for NCD
4. uganda (LIDC’s) - stage 3
1. life expectacy rised to 60-70 years
2. india
healthcare and eduction can prevent most CD
4. mortallity is predominatly NCD and its at this point NCD sike the most - stage 4
1. NCD are cured and delayed in their onset
2. life ex is high 80-70
3. most deaths are from delayed NCD
4. japan
stat for were most cansa deaths occure
70% in EDC’s
when was the haiti eath quake
- january 2010
what type od a disease diffusion was teh haiti chlorella out break
relocation diffusion
what % of peopel lived bellow teh poverty line in hati in 2010
- 80%
give 2 stats that prove hati is poor
- poorest country in the western world and 80% of peopel live bellow poverty line
how did chlorella spread inhailt
- UN Nepalise aid workers sewage leek into the meille river
what is the river in haiti chorella originate din and spred in
- meille river
- Artibonite river
what were the impcts of chlorella in haiti
- 682,000 cases
- 8,700 deaths
- 40 per week
what are mitigation strattergies tahst can prevent the pread of water born deseases
- propperly cook see food
- proppert treate water
- sewage at least 30m from water
- hand wahing
give an example of a mittiagtion stratergie to limit th espred of disease in haiti
- red cross- provided 300,000 peopel living in cpas after teh earth quake with uncontaminated water (trucks) - still had to be treated after they got it to prevent other disease
how does chlorella kill
- gives you dyarea and then you die of dehydration
whitch insitutions were central in mittigating the effect of the chorella otbreak in haiti
- thered cross
- The CDC - centre for disease controel
what to do with the water cycle made the chlorella outbreak in hati worse
- there was exess flooding from the rain of the rainy seasn and they are worse today because of deforrestaition
- thsi allowed for the spread of contaminated water
what human factors made the haiti chloreela outbreak worse
- close living conditions becuse of the refugree camsp after the earth quake due to houses being destroyed from poor infatsucture
- Poor so poor health care
- unsable governemnt and poor so slow reponce- relired on aid and humaniterian effort
give an example of the CDC helping in haiti
- Vaccination rates for children are nearly twice as high than before the earthquake
How can air polution cause disease
- when fossil flues wood and vegitation is burnt it releases PM 2.5
- they penatrate deep into peoples lungs
- this causes serrious NCD specifically CVDs liek hear disease and lung disease lung cansa asma brochitus etc
- 1/5 lung casa cases now are non smokers
- lung cansa has incresed 70% in delhi
how much has lung cansa incresed in delhi
how many lung cansa cases in delhi are now non smokers
where is delhi interms of the demographic transition model
- industial econmy
- secondryand terciarry secotor
why is disease becomming harder to takle in LIDC’s and why
- they hae the double burden of having to deal with CDs and NCD - known as double burden
- with globalisation there is a norm of poor diet smoking stress and inativerty spredding deacreasing peoples health and weekeing their imune system
give an example of double burden and why its a praticularly serrious problem
- in the Mahama refugree camp ruanda 5% of cases are NCD and are rising
- they are offten not treated as when CDs are an issue alot more people can be saved and cured as they are cheaper and more efficiennt to deal with somehting wicth has to be taken into account with LIDCs that have a very low health care budget.
what his the max healthy level of PM2.5 in the air
10 micro grams per cubic meatre
how is disease in delhi linked to the water cycle
- PM2.5 are much much lower after the monsoons as water condenses around them falls as rain and cleans the air
when is the rainy season in delhi
- june-september
when expaining how disease is effected what should you foccus on
types of diseases they face, fatallity of diseases and infection rates
how does place effect rates of disese
- development
1. LIDC - hati
2. EDC- Delhi and polution
3. HIC - population density (urban vs rural
1. neighbourhood effect
give an example of deforrestion / incresed runoff / flooding causing a disease outbreak
- chlorella in the amazon after the river madera flooded in 2014
what does endemic mean
The term “endemic” refers to a consitant presence of a disease or condition within a particular population, geographic area, or region. It indicates that the disease is regularly found and maintained at a relatively stable level within that specific area over an extended period.
what is a pandemic
disease out break on a global scle
other than wetness what do mosiqitos like
what is a pfl that keeps disease ramid in some countries
- cycel of depivation
- disease- detah + low produc and dedution
- little wealth
- liitle abillity to deal
- more disease
whats teh optimum temp for malaria to devlope
what mosquitos carry malaria
Anopheles mosquitoes