Disease And Sugery - Up To The 1920s Flashcards
What were the four humours?
A historical belief in bodily fluids affecting health: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile
The four humours were thought to influence physical and mental health.
What is miasma theory?
The belief that diseases were caused by bad smells or ‘bad air’
Miasma theory was a common explanation for illness before germ theory was accepted.
What did Pasteur demonstrate with his swan neck flask experiment?
Microorganisms can be prevented from contaminating broth when the flask is sealed
This experiment was crucial in disproving spontaneous generation.
In what year did Pasteur publish germ theory?
Germ theory established that microorganisms are the cause of many diseases.
What vaccines did Pasteur develop?
- Anthrax vaccine
- Rabies vaccine
He developed these vaccines by using weakened or dead cultures of the pathogens.
What was Lister’s significant contribution to surgery?
The introduction of carbolic spray as an antiseptic
Lister’s methods greatly reduced infections during surgery.
What was the outcome of Lister’s treatment of an 11-year-old boy?
The boy made a full recovery after treatment with carbolic acid
This case highlighted the effectiveness of antiseptics in surgery.
What was a downside of Lister’s carbolic spray?
It caused irritation to doctors’ hands and made surgical tools slippery
This increased the duration of surgeries and risk of blood loss.
What innovation did Koch develop for growing cultures?
Agar jelly and Petri dishes
Koch’s methods were essential for microbiological research.
What microorganism did Koch discover in 1883?
This discovery was pivotal in understanding infectious diseases.
Who discovered X-rays and in what year?
Wilhelm Röntgen in 1895
X-rays revolutionized medical imaging and diagnostics.
What advancement in X-ray technology did Marie Curie achieve?
Small transportable X-rays in 1914
This allowed for better accessibility of X-ray technology in various settings.
What significant discovery did Alexander Fleming make in 1928?
Penicillin became the first widely used antibiotic.
When did Florey and Chain begin working on penicillin?
Their work made penicillin a practical treatment for bacterial infections.
What were the primary methods of pain relief before the 1840s?
- Alcohol
- Opium
Very few patients were awake and in pain during surgeries.