Disease 4.6 Flashcards
Describe the term pathogenic.
An organism that causes damage to its host.
What is a vector?
A living organism which transfers a disease from one individual to another
Describe the term infectious.
A disease that may be passed or transmitted from one individual to another.
Describe the term contagious.
A disease that can be spread by direct contact.
Describe what a carrier is.
A person who shows no symptoms when infected by a diseased organism but can pass the disease on to another individual.
What is a disease reservoir?
Where pathogen is normally found; this may be in humans or another animal and may be a source of infection.
What is an endemic?
A disease which is always present at low levels in an area.
What is an epidemic?
Where there is significant increase in the usual number of cases of a disease often associated with rapid spread.
What is a pandemic?
An epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people.
What is air-borne transmission / droplet infection?
Transmission of a disease through the air in droplets of saliva and mucus.
What is a toxin?
It is a chemical produced by a microorganism which causes damage to its host.
What is an antigen?
A substance that can induce an immune response e.g., the formation of antibodies.
What are antibodies?
Proteins produced by lymphocytes that can bind to a specific antigen and neutralise, destroy or inhibit that antigen.
What is a vaccine?
It uses non-pathogenic forms, products or antigens of microorganisms to stimulate an immune response which confers protection against subsequent infection.
What are antibiotics?
Substances produced by microorganisms which affect the growth of other microorganisms.
What is antibiotic resistance?
Where a microorganism, which should be affected by an antibiotic, is no longer susceptible to it.
What are antigenic types / serotypes?
Organisms with the same or very similar antigens on the surface. Such types are sub groups or strains of a microbial species which may be used to trace infections. They are usually identified by using antibodies from serum.
What is direct transmission?
The spread of disease from one host to another host.
What is indirect transmission?
The spread of disease from host to host by means of a vector
What is a mechanical vector?
Vector is physically contaminated with the pathogen and serves only to carry the pathogen to a new host.
What is a biologic vector?
Vector is a required part of the life cycle of the pathogen; for disease transmission to occur. The pathogen must replicate or undergo some part of its life cycle in the vector e.g., malaria.
What type of organism is cholera?
A gram negative bacteria.
What is the source of infection of cholera?
Infected faeces (in contaminated water and food).
What tissue does cholera affect?
The gut lining.