Discrete Distribution PMF’s Flashcards
Discrete Uniform
px(x) = 1/(b-a+1)
With “b” and “a” representing the upper and lower bounds of the distribution
Probability of each outcome (all equal)
px(x) = nCx p^x (1-p)^n-x
With “n” representing the number of trials or a sample size with two outcomes, “p” representing the probability of success, and “x” used to find the number of successes/goal
Gives the probability of “x” successes of one outcome (heads vs tails) with “n” trials
px(x) = [(mCx * n-mCn-x)/(NCn)]
With “n” the number of dependent trials, “N” the population size, “m” the number of successes, and “x” the goal of the number of successes
Sampling without replacement
Gives the probability of “x” successes with “n” draws from “N” population size without replacement with “m” total successes possible
px(x) = (1-p)^(x-1) * p
Number of trials to get to 1st success
py(y) = (1-p)^y * p
Number of failures before 1st success
With “p” equal to the probability of success, “x” trials to get to 1st success, and “y” number of failures trials before 1st success
Gives probability of 1st success happening on the “x” trial
Negative Binomial
px(x) = (x-1)C(r-1) p^r (1-p)^(x-r)
With “r” being the number of desired successes, “p” the probability of success, and “x” is the number of trials
Gives probability of “r” successes happening in “x” trials
px(x) = (e^(-λ) * λ^x) / (x!)
With “λ” representing the mean of x, and “x” representing the number of occurrences of an event
Gives the probability of “x” occurrences of an event during a fixed interval with mean “λ”