Discrete communication channels Flashcards
Define a discrete channel
Input alphabet,
Output alphabet,
Probability transition matrix that expresses the probability of observing the output symbol y given that we send the symbol x,
Memoryless channel, if the probability distribution of the output depends only on the input at that time and is conditionally independent of previous channel inputs or outputs
P(y_n | x_1, …, x_{n-1}, x_n, y_1, …, y_{n-1}) = P_{Y|X} (y_n |x_n).
A discrete channel, denoted by (X, p(y|x), Y), consists of two finite sets X and Y and a collection of probability mass functions p(y|x), one for each x ∈ X, such that for every x and y, p(y|x) ≥ 0, and for every x, \sum_y p(y|x) = 1, with the interpretation that X is the input and Y is the output of the channel.
Channel capacity
The capacity of a channel is the supremum of all achievable rates.
The information channel capacity is defined as
C = max_{p(x)} I(X;Y).
Information channel capacity equal to the operational channel capacity, which is defined as the highest rate in bits per channel use at which information can be sent with arbitrarily low probability of error.
Noiseless binary channel
C = 1 bit, there are no errors.
Noisy channel with nonoverlapping outputs
This channel has two possible outputs corresponding to each of the two inputs.
C = 1 bit, there are no actual errors, as every transmitted bit can be recovered.
Binary symmetric channel
This is a binary channel in which the input symbols are complemented with probability p. The bits received do not reveal where the errors have occurred. Nonzero rate and abitrarily small probability of error is still possible.
C = 1 - H(p) bits.
Binary erasure channel
In this channel, a fraction α of the bits are erased. The receiver knows which bits have been erased
C = 1 - α bits.
Symmetric channel
In this channel, all the rows of the probability transition matrix, p(·|x) are permutations of each other and so are the columns.
Weakly symmetric channel
A channel is said to be weakly symmetric if every row of the transition matrix p(·|x) is a permutation of every other row and all the column sums \sum_x p(y|x) are equal.
It has channel capacity
C = log|Y| - H(row of transition matrix),
which is achieved by a uniform distribution on the input alphabet.
Properties of channel capacity
C ≥ 0 since I (X; Y) ≥ 0
C ≤ log|X| since C = max I (X; Y) ≤ max H(X) = log|X|.
C ≤ log|Y| for the same reason.
I(X; Y) is a continuous function of p(x).
I(X; Y) is a concave function of p(x)
In general, there is no closed-form solution for the capacity. But for many simple channels it is possible to calculate the capacity using properties such as symmetry.
Channel without feedback
If the channel is used without feedback i.e., if the input symbols do not depend on the past output symbols, namely, p(x_k|x^{k−1}, y^{k−1}) = p(x_k|x^{k−1}),
then the channel transition function for the nth extension of the discrete memoryless channel reduces to
p(y^n|x^n) = ∏_{i=1}^n p(y_i|x_i).
(M,n) code
An (M, n) code for the channel (X, p(y|x), Y) consists of the following:
1. An index set {1, 2, . . . , M}.
2. An encoding function X^n : {1, 2, … , M} → ˆX^n, yielding codewords x^n(1), x^n(2), … , x^n(M). The set of codewords is called the codebook
3. A decoding function
g : Y^n → {1, 2, . . . , M},
which is a deterministic rule that assigns a guess to each possible received vector.
Probability of error
λ_i = Pr(g(Y^n ) ≠ i|X^n = x^n(i) ) = sum_{y^n} p(y^n|x^n(i) ) * I( g(y^n) ≠ i)
be the conditional probability of error given that index i was sent, where I (·) is the indicator function.
Then the maximal probabilty of error λ^n is given as
λ^n = max_{i ∈ 1, 2, … , M} λ_i.
The average probabilty of error, P_e^n is given as
P_e^n = 1/M \sum_{i=1}^M λ_i.
Note that P_e^n is the probability of error, if the index W is chosen according to a uniform distribution and X^n = x^n(W).
Rate of a code
The rate R of an (M, n) code is
R = log(M) / n bits per transmission.
The capacity of a channel is the supremum of all achievable rates.
Achieveable rate
The rate is achieveable if there exists a sequence of (⌈2^{nR}⌉ , n) codes such that the maximal probability of error λ(n) tends to 0 as n → ∞.
Channel coding theorem
All rates below capacity C are achievable, and all rates above capacity are not; that is, for all rates R < C, there exists a sequence of (2^{nR} , n) codes with probability of error λ(n) → 0. Conversely, for rates R > C, λ(n) is bounded away from 0.