Discovery Flashcards
individual, partnership of five or fewer persons, trust or association whose personal records are being sought from a “witness”
Court reporter
certified shorthand reporter who prepares transcripts of depositions, hearings and trials
Custodian of Records
person who has custody and control of records
Cut-off dates
dates by which discovery must be completed and motions concerning discovery heard
Demand for exchange of expert witness information
written demand from one party to another to participate in a mutual exchange of information regarding their expert witnesses
witness testifying at a deposition
To depose
to question a deponent
Deposing attorney
attorney who takes a deposition
oral question and answer session attended by attorneys, witnesses and a court reporter
relating to technology having electrical, digital, magnetic, wireless, optical, electromagnetic, or similar capabilities
Electronically stored information
information that is stored in an electronic medium (“ESI”)
Inspection demand
written demand to a party to inspect, copy, test, or sample specified documents, tangible things, land or other property, and electronically stored information
written questions directed by one party to another
Personal records
documents pertaining to a “consumer” maintained by a “witness”
Requests for admission
written request to a party to admit or deny the truth of facts, opinion or application of law relating to fact, and genuineness of documents
court form ordering a person to appear at a certain place and time, e.g., a deposition or trial
Subpoena duces tecum
a court form ordering a person to appear at a certain place and time, and to bring with him/her specified material
deponent who testifies at a deposition; under C.C.P. § 1985.3(1) one who would have personal records of a consumer (e.g., doctor, attorney, bank)