Discovery Flashcards
What is the general discovery timeline under Rule 26?
Required disclosures [26(a)] -> Conference [26(f)] –> Conference Report (within 14 days following the conference) –> Expert Disclosures (90 days before trial) –> Depositions/ Interrogatories/ Pretrial Disclosures (30 days before trial) –> trial.
Rule 26: What are the reasons for discovery?
- Preservation of relevant information that might not be available at trial.
- Ascertain the issues and isolate them.
- Allow parties to obtain evidence on disputed issues.
- Helps to promote transparency.
- Prohibits trial by ambush (Exception: Impeaching or discrediting a witness).
- Liberal and almost unlimited definition of relevance. The definition is extremely broad.
What are the required disclosures under Rule 26(a)?
In general, a party must, without awaiting a discovery request, provide the other parties:
1) Witnesses: the name, address, telephone number of each individual likely to have discoverable information.
2) Relevant Documents: All documents, information, tangible things that the disclosing party has in its possession and may be used to support its claims. UNLESS THE INFORMATION WOULD BE USED SOLELY FOR IMPEACHMENT.
3) Damages
4) Insurance Agreements.
When must initial disclosures be made under Rule 26?
A party must make initial disclosures within 14 days after the parties 26(f) conference, unless they agreed to another time frame.
What is the automatic disclosure of expert testimony under Rule 26(a)(2)?
In addition to the other required disclosures, a party must disclose to the other parties the identity of any expert witnesses it may use at trial within 90 days of trial.
What are the pretrial automatic disclosures which must be made under Rule 26(a)(3)?
Within 30 days of trial, a party must provide to the other parties the following, even if used to impeach:
1) Witnesses;
2) Deposition Witnesses;
3) Documents.
What is the scope of discovery under Rule 26(b)?
The scope of discovery is as follows:
a) Parties may obtain discovery regarding any non-privileged matter that is relevant to any party’s claim or defense.
b) for good cause, the court may order discovery of any matter relevant admissible at trial if the discovery appears reasonable to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.
What is a protective order under Rule 26(c)?
The party can ask the court to keep specific information private for the protection of the party.
These can be used, for good cause, to protect the party from annoyance, embarrassment, oppression, or undue burden or expense.
What is the timing and sequence of discovery?
1) A party may not seek discovery from any source before the conference occurs;
2) Unless the court orders otherwise:
a) methods of discovery may be used in any sequence; and
b) Discovery by one party does not require the other party to delay their discovery.
Rule 26(e): what does the Duty to Disclose require?
Requires the parties to constantly review prior discovery and current discovery to ensure that it is up to date. So whenever anything changes or more information is found, the parties must supplement their interrogatories, discovery, etc. to ensure it is up to date.
When do the parties have to confer under rule 26(f)?
The parties must confer as soon as practicable and in any event at least 21 days before a schedule conference is to be held.
Rule 30: Deposition by Oral Examination. How does it occur and how does it work?
Can be used for both parties and non-parties (rule 45 for non-parties because they must be subpoenaed). This allows a formal oral examination of a witness while under oath.
How to arrange a deposition under Rule 30?
1) Parties are deposed according to notice to all parties;
2) Non-party witnesses are subpoenaed under Rule 45, then notice must be given to all parties.
3) Notice must give to all parties.
Rule 30(b)(6): How to subpoena and depose an organization-
1) In giving notice to the organization, a party may name the organization and must describe with reasonable particularity the matters for examination.
2) The named organization then must designate one or more officers, directors, or managing agents who consent to testify on its behalf.
3) The person designated MUST be capable of testifying to these matters to speak for the organization.
(a) if the person does not, the court may sanction the organization.
How do objections work during depositions according to rule 30(c)?
An objection at the time of examination must be noted on the record, but the examination still proceeds; with the objection noted. Then when introduced at trial, the objection will be examined and ruled on.