Discovering New Worlds Final Quiz Flashcards
Kepler’s 1st Law
Most orbits are ellipses
Kepler’s 2nd Law
The planet is moving the fastest near its perihelion and moving the slowest when its near the aphelion.
Kepler’s 3rd Law
The farther away a planet is from the sun, the more time it takes to revolve around it.
How is a stars size determined by?
The point that is the most closest to the sun
The point that is the farthest away from the sun
numbers that determine the eccentricity of a shape:
close to 0= the more circular the shape is
close to 1= the more elliptical the shape is.
Habitable zone
the distance from a star at which liquid water could exist on orbiting planets’ surfaces
Formula of eccentricity
Distance Between Foci/length of major axis
Kepler’s 3rd Law Formula
Mass of host star x Period of Revolution = Average distance from the sun