Discoveries And Inventions 20Th Century Flashcards
What did Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs introduce
Apple Computer in 1976
who was Henry Ford
B)what is the model T Ford
He invented the model T Ford(which was the first mass produced car)in 1908
Who was Alexander Fleming
He discovered penicillin in 1928
Who were Orville and Wilbur right
The brothers who made the first successful airplane fly in 1903
Who invented the hovercraft
The British inventer Sir Christopher cockerell
Who was Willem kloff
He invented the artificial kidney machine or dialysis
WhaT did Albert Einstein discover
The theory of relativity (E=mc2)
Who was.ernest Rutherford
He discovered how to break up the nucleus of atom
Who was roald Amundesen
He was the first man to reach the geographic South Pole on December 14th 1911
Who was Dr Philip drinker Louis Agassiz shaw
He invented the iron lung (know as drinkers respirator)
Who was Alfred Nobel
He invented dynamite
Who discovered insulin
Canadian physician Frederick Banting and medical student Charles H
Who was Emily Berliner
She invented the microphone
Who was a
Elisha Otis
He invented the modern elevator making skyscrapers possible