Disciplship Flashcards
What is a Disciple
A follower or student who is a learner
What is an apostle
One who is sent out
How did Jesus call his first disciples
-Jesus was walking by the sea of Galilee
-he saw two brothers Simon and Andrew casting their nets into the lake as they were fishermen
Jesus said come follow me and I will send you out to fish the people
-they got up and followed him
-after this he saw two brothers James and John
-They were in a boat preparing their nets
- Jesus called them and they immediately followed him
Tell the story of Matthew (Levi) The tax collector
- J was by the lake and began to teach to a large crowd
- he saw Levi at the tax collector booth
- J then ate dinner at his house with other sinners and tax collectors
- law teachers asked why he ate with them
- J replied “It is not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous but the sinner.”
What sort of people were the first disciples
- they were all fishermen
- people with good and bad qualities
- ordinary people who were not important
- they had no education so Jesus could teach them
- people who lead simple lives
- they were not opinionated people
Where and why did Jesus call the twelve disciples
On a mountain because it in the biblical terms that was the place closest to God
Number 12 is symbolic of the 12 tribes of Israel
Name all 12 disciples
Peter, Andrew, James, John, Matthew, Thomas, Phillip, Simon, Bartholomew, Judas son of James, James son of Alphaeus and Judas Iscariot.
Why did Jesus call disciples?
- to help him share his mission
- to help him bring his mercy to the people of Palestine
- to help him set up the K.O.G
- to help him establish the Church on earth
Describe the good qualities of a disciple
- to understand new set of values
- to listen to the master and be a obedient
- to be ready to except suffering and sacrifice
- to have faith and trust in God
- to be ready and want to learn
- to not to rely on materialistic things
Describe the commissioning of Peter at Caesaria Phillipi
- J asked the disciples “ who do people say the son of man is?”
- d replied- some say Elijah or one of the prophets
- Simon Peter- You are the Son of Man
- J said- “you are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will never hold out against it I give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and what ever you lose in heaven will be lost in heaven
What did Jesus mean by this
That he was giving Peter the authority to lead the church
What does the name Peter mean?
Good qualities of Peter
- he recognised that Jesus was the Messiah
- he died for his faith
- he followed Jesus straightaway
Bad qualities of Simon Peter
- he denied he knew Jesus three times
- he misunderstood Jesus
- he cut off the high priest servant’s ear
Why is Simon Peter is so important
- he was given the authority and power to preach and baptise
- he was the 1st to recognise that Jesus was the messiah
- Jesus gave him the role of the leader of the church
- today the Pope is the successor of Saint Peter so he was the first Pope
How can Christians be good disciples of Jesus today
- by practising justice and forgiveness
- by giving to charity
- by bringing up their children in the faith of the church
- by becoming a priest or a nun
- by going to church every Sunday
- by visiting the sick and the elderly to help serve the community
What are the demands of being a disciple today
-each of us have a vocation as all Christians are called to follow Christ
- for some their calling is to be a religious leader for example a priest or to serve God in a religious order
-for most it is to serve God as a committed lay person
- or just to simply help out in charity shops and raise money for charity
- for others it is just to do ordinary things like working hard attending church and looking after family
- however God asks a few people to do extraordinary things like taking on world problems poverty and injustice
For example Oscar Romero and Mother Teresa
Who was Oscar Romero
The ArchBishop of El Salvador, a place of great poverty and injustice, in Central America
What did Oscar Romero do?
- he invited homeless refugees into his house
- he demanded explanations from the government about the dissapearance of certain individuals
- he spoke out openly about the unjust government
- thus he encouraged public demonstrations even though it was illegal
- he allowed a radio station to be set u to tell people about the unjustice of the country
- he risked being killed and arrested by broadcasting his homilies over the radio