Discipline Flashcards
What is active listening?
Acknowledge students feelings:
I can see your upset. I understand how you might feel.
How to avoid a power struggle
We both can’t win. You want me to know you can talk anytime. I want you listen and follow along during instruction. I spent a lot of time thinking about the examples you should see or the class work you should practice so you will be successful. I care very much about your success.
Student (off task)talking during instruction or group work
Friendly reminder…this is important. This will help you solve/graph answer correctly….right (students name)
Student continuing to talk
Stand next to and teach. Talk to student after class…this topic is important because_____. I care very much about your success in this class. Did you get all your questions answered today? Great! Tomorrow I will be calling on you so you should have no problem answering right?
How to handle a student who is calling out.
Don’t accept the students answer until he or she has raised their hand.
Student continues to call out.
Talk to student after class. I see you Iike to answer questions a lot. It’s important to give everyone a chance. I want to hear their voices too. Tomorrow I will let you answer three questions when it is your turn and you raise your hand.
Be proactive find 2 or 3 students each class and
Praise them for their work or helping another student.
Thank you for helping ______. You are a good partner.
I am glad to see you putting more effort into your homework!
Every day I come to school and look for opportunities to…
Make students feel good about themselves. It may be about how they dress, how they do their work or help another student.
On going disruptive student
Talk to student after class. I care very much about your success in this class. Your behavior was disruptive to your learning and other students.
- What do you want?
- Are you getting what you want?
- What can you do differently to get what you want?
- When will you start?
Another tactic for disruptive student
Ask about interest or hobbies. Try to work interest or hobby of student into class problem.
What is class motto?
Everyone is
How to handle student put downs
You seemed very confident today in class.
Did you get all or almost all of your questions answered today? Great!
Did you feel encouraged! Wonderful!
It takes the entire class working together to accomplish this and I need your help. Your words and tone need to be helpful and encouraging. This is important. Can you help me?
Make eye contact and
Gentle hand on shoulder
Use power of proximity and
A soft voice but firm!
I put a lot of time into picking examples that would help you and choosing class work problems for you to practice. I am…
Disappointed you didn’t take advantage of it.
I am glad you’re back! I know we had our differences the other day…
Its over for me and I hope It is for you too. Let’s start fresh and have a good class together!
How to handle excuses and claims unfair
I care so much about your success that I carefully pick examples that will help you learn the concept. I carefully choose class work practice problems that will help you master the concept. I am disappointed you feel that way.
How to handle lack of interest, unprepared, no homework
Technology infused lessons not a chance!
Pencils, paper, tissues, lollipops, folders in class, hand sanitizer, other supplies
Homework, short, assigned Monday due Friday, show student effect of not doing homework can hurts performance on assessment but also overall MP grade
How to handle persistent talking out of turn.
You like to answer a lot questions in class. I am glad to see your so motivated. Tomorrow I will call on you to answer three questions during class. It’s important to let other students have a chance too. Thank you for being understanding.
How to handle
Disruptive behavior
How to relieve stress
Breathing activity
Towel twist and bite
Laugh…hallmark cards
Keep a notebook
Of what went right or what felt good
Remember will do better next time