Discharge - Performance Flashcards
Cutter v Powell rule
A contract wont be discharged until all obligations are performed. This is a harsh rule so the court has developed exceptions to the rule
Divisible (Severable) Contracts
When the court feels a contract was not one, but a series of contracts - Ritchie v Atkinson
Acceptance of part performance
When a party accepts what has been done so far, even if it is a partial performance , they will have to pay theother party for their work - Supter v Hedges
Substantial performance
Even if not all the obligations of the conract are complete if they have substantially done what was requried of them then they have pefromed the contract - Heing v Isaacs
Prevention of performance
If one prevents another, the strict rule does not apply adn the party tryign to perform may claim for damages - Planche v Colburn
Time of the essence (3 times it will be)
Contract implies that it is
Where one party ahs failed to perform a contractual obligation, they can now say time is off the essence
Surrounding circumstances show that it is (perishable goods)
Time of performance
If it is of the essence - Innocent party can treat contract as repudiated
If it is not of the essence - then they can only claim for damages