Directors duties Flashcards
The role of directors?
- Manage the company on a day-to-day basis on an agency basis
- Certain actions can only be taken by directors if shareholders have given authority
- Owe duties to the company
Types of directors?
A director:
- De jure
o Appointed validly by law
o A private co must have 1 as per s154
o A public co must have 2 as per s154
- De facto
o Someone who assumes to act as director
o Fiduciary duties apply equally to this type.
- Shadow
o A person in accordance with whose directions or instructions of the company is accustomed to act
- Executive and non-executive
o Exec – appointed to executed office
o Non-exec – not an employee of company but an officer – not in day to day just to generally provide independent guidance and advice to the board
- Alternative
o Someone who has been approved by resolution of the board of directors or a fellow director who votes in absence
Company secretary – deals with company’s legal administrative requirements
- Ltd.’s does not need to have one, Plc’s MUST
Appointment of a director?
so this is governed by articles of a company
- By ORDINARY resolution of shareholders MA17
- By a decision of director MA17
Service contracts
- An executive director will be an employee of the company as well as one of its officers – as an employee they receive service contract which sets out terms and conditions of duties and pay. No automatic entitlement for directors to be paid
- Duty to keep directors service contracts at its registered office for inspection by members.
- SH approval needed to long-term service contracts
Requirements of a director?
Disclosure of identity and company secretary
- Every company must maintain a register of its directors
- Must also notify registrar of companies of charges relating to directors
- CA 2006 allows for more confidentiality – only service address for director needs to be included for review by public
Disclosure in annual accounts
- S412 – relates to information about directors’ remuneration and what needs to be included.
- Directors’ salaries, bonus payments and pension entitlements
- Compensation paid to directors and past directors for loss of office
- Also requires any person connected to such a director
- Section 413 – relates to disclosure of info on advances and credits given by a co to its directors
Removal of director by shareholders?
- Ultimate sanction
- S168 – by ordinary resolution remove a director before expiration of their period in office
- S168(2) special notice – 28 clear days is required for such a removal resolution.
- Not possible unless articles provide for this
Vacation from office?
- Resignation by notice
- May resign from board by tendering a letter of resignation – MA18 usual NOT OBLIGATORY for board to pass a resolution accepting it
- Automatic termination
- Under MA18 a person ceases to be as soon as:
- Disqualified from being a director
- Director becomes subject of individual voluntary arrangement
- Becomes bankrupt
- Registered medical practioner states in writing the director is mentally or physically incapable
- Disqualification – Company directors disqualification act 1986
- Court may make a disqualification order against a person preventing them, unless they obtain leave of court
- Grounds include fraudulent or wrongful trading
- Maximum of 15 years
- Retirement by rotation
- MA for plc. requires retirement and reappointment by members every 3 years
- Companies house filing requirements
- Must update company’s registrar of directors by filling in TM01
Duty of directors? Duty to act within powers?
(s 171 CA 2006);
- Duty to act within company’s constitution
- Duties to exercise powers for purposes for which they are conferred – (not for personal gain)
Duty to promote success of the company?
s 172
CA 2006);
- Seen as codifying previous common law duty to act honestly and in good faith in best interests
- Must act in a way for benefit of members as a whole and that success is meant as long-term increase in value
- Duty is to company not third parties. As such must regard:
- Likely consequences of any decision in the long term
- Interest of company’s employees
- Forster business relationships
- Impact if company’s relationship with community and environment desirability of maintaining a reputation for high standards of business
- These together would be considered as necessary good business practice as part of the ‘enlightened shareholder value’ which describes the middle way between purely maximising SH values and a pluralist approach to other stakeholders
- In practice – companies ensure board minutes clearly note that consideration has been given to s172
Duty to exercise independent judgement?
s 173 CA 2006);
- Duty if NOT infringed by his acting:
- In accordance with an agreement entered into by the company that restricts the future exercise of discretion by its directors
- In a way authorised by company’s constitution
Duty to exercise reasonable care and skill and diligence?
(s 174 CA 2006);
- Its assessed objectively and subjectively
- What’s reasonably expected of someone in their role and their skill and knowledge as director
- Can be raised higher if they have specialist knowledge
Duty to avoid conflicts of interest?
(s 175 CA 2006);
- Avoid a situation that conflicts with interest of company
- No excuse to say that the opportunity is not one which the company could have exploited itself
- Cannot be said to be infringed if conflict arises
- In relation to a transaction with company (these are subject to duty of disclosure
- In relation to a matter which is authorised by the directors
Duty to not accept benefit from third parties?
- Also aimed at conflict of interest
- Not accept benefits conferred by reason of them being a director
- BUT NOT breached if acceptance could not possible be regarded as likely to give rise to a conflict on interest
Duty to declare any interest in a proposed transaction?
(s 177 CA 2006)
- Procedural matters
- Applies equally to indirect interest – director does not have to be a party to transaction – even a spouse
- Must declare before transaction is entered into
- Must be at BM or writing in advance but sent to all
- Under s185 can give general notice
Does not need to make a declaration when:
- Director is not aware of interest
- Cannot reasonably give rise to conflict of interest
- If conflict arises because it concerns their service contract
Ma 14 – specifies that a director who is interest in a transaction cannot vote or count in quorum for board resolution in respect of that
- Can be if company disapplies MA 14 by ordinary resolution
Remedies for breach of duty?
- S178 consequence of breach is same as for breach of corresponding common law or equitable principles
(Injunction, setting aside a transaction - restitution, restoration of company profits and damages) - Exception is s174 (exercise reasonable care and skill) which is damages
Shareholder approval in advance of what would be a breach
- Cannot approve of unlawful acts this way authorisation is only effective provided there has been full disclosure by directors so SH are properly aware
Ratification for breach of duty
- Shareholders by ordinary resolution can ratify
- Negligence
- Default
- Breach of duty
- Breach of trusts
Transactions with directors? Directors long terms service contracts?
Shareholder approval by ordinary resolution is required for any directors’ service contract excess of two years guaranteed term which means:
- Means a period during which contract us to continue other than at instance of company or where director is in control of how long the contract continues AND during this time the company either cannot terminate or can only terminate in specific circumstances
- Period of notice to be given by company will be the guaranteed term.
-Exception: Section 188(6)(b) CA 2006
Under s 188(6)(b) CA 2006 approval is not required by the members (shareholders) of any
company which is a wholly owned subsidiary of another company
Consequences of noncompliance s189
- Provision will be void as to extent of the contravention
- Contract will be deemed to contain a term entitling company to terminate at any time by giving reasonable notice
S188, MA14 and disclosures
- Disclosure of interest s177 – not required but often documented in board minutes
- Directors not permitted to vote or count in the quorum on any board resolution
- Members inspection rights s288
- Must keep all service contracts from at least one year during and from the date of termination or expiry of the contract for members to inspect