Directors Flashcards
who is director?
person appointed by members to manage all affairs of the company
Director’s role as fiduciary
fiduciary relation established when one party put trust to another party.
take care of another person’s money.
act in best interest of company and shareholders.
when director lacks fiduciary behavior?
if he intentionally keeps the company and its members at disadvantage(i.e make profit from a contract with company and doesn’t disclose personal interest)
who is agent of company?
Directors, who act in accordance with articles of company.
who is eligible to become a director?
natural person, member of comapny
where eligibility of director’s additional criteria specified?
director must meet additional criteria specified by articles. i.e holding qualification shares , education, experience requirement in case of banking and insurance company.
who cannot become directors of a company?
not a member, body corporate/company, minor, person with unsound mind, not NTN holder, undischarged insolvent or has applied to court but application is pending , convicted by court for an offense involving immorality, lacks fiduciary behavior as declared by court during last 5 yrs, disqualified from holding any office under any provision of ACT.
what are additional disqualification for listed companies?
person who declared defaulter of a financial institution by court.
who or his spouse is broker or officer/director of brokerage house.
who is broker
person engaged in business of buying and selling securities for himself or on account of others.
can any company become director of other company?
No . Company may be subscriber/ member of another company but cannot be a director.
Should criteria Only meet at the time of appointment?
criteria is to be met at the time of appointment as well as during tenure of directorship.
What if a bankrupt acting as director?
imprisonment 2 years or penalty or both
what are exceptions to rule”director must be a member”.
- wholetime Dr who is EE of Co.
- Cheif Executive.
- person representing member who is Govt and Body corporate.
- person representing creditor or other special interest through contractual arrangements.
what are minimum no of DR in Act.
OSMC pvt 2
public Unlisted 3
public Listed 7
what are maximum no of DR?
Not specified in act . Directors may decide.
who appoint first directors and how long he hold office?
appointed by subscribers of memorandum and hold office till the elections of directors in first AGM.
who appoint subsequent director and what is time period ?
elected by members at general meeting and they hold office for three years.(however company limited by guarantee not having share capital may reduce this period through its article).
who filled casual vacancy and how long they hold office?
casual vacancy filled by directors and hold office for the remanider term of the director in whose place he is appointed.
what’s the requirement of filling casual vacancy if a company is listed company?
to be filled with 90 days of occurence. or
remaining directors are less than minimumm number required by the law/articles.
describe the procedure of election of directors with the connection of general meeting of company having share capital.
fix the number of directors to be elected : 35 days before GM
Notice of GM : 21 days before meeting
filing of intentioon to become director: 14 days before GM
candidate list transferred to member: 7 days before GM