Directions Flashcards
Etre devant
To be in front of/ahead of
Etre en face (de)
To be facing/opposite of
Je suis en face de la boulangerie.
(I am across from the bakery)
Elle est en face de moi.
(She is facing me)
Aller tout droit
To go straight ahead
Allez tout droit jusqu’au feu rouge.
(Go straight ahead until the traffic light)
Etre au coin (de)
To be at the corner of
La cafe est au coin de la rue.
(The cafe is at the corner of the street)
Le cafe est juste au coin.
(The cafe is just around the corner.)
Etre a l’angle
To be at the corner
Il y a une banque a l’angle.
(There is a bank at the corner.)
Etre au milieu (de)
To be in the middle of
La fontaine est au milieu de la place.
(The fountain is in the middle of the square.)
Elle etait au milieu d’une discussion quand tu es arrive.
(She was in the middle of a discussion when you arrived)
Etre entre
To be between
La table est entre le canape et la fenetre.
(The table is between the sofa and the window.)
Tourner a gauche
Turn left
Tournez a gauche apres le feu rouge.
(Turn left after the traffic light.)
Tourner a droite
Turn right
Vous devez tourner a droite.
(You must turn right)
Faire demi-tour
To make a u-turn
Faites demi-tour a la prochaine intersection.
(Make a u-turn at the next intersection.)
Il a fait demi-tour et a decide de rester.
(He changed his mind and decided to stay.)
Etre derriere
To be behind
Je suis derriere toi dans la file.
(I am behind you in the line,)
La voiture est derriere le batiment.
(The car is behind the building)
Un carrefour
A crossroads/intersection
Il y a un carrefour a deux kilometers.
(There is a crossroads in two km away)
Prenez a droite au carrefour.
(Take a right at the intersection)