Straight ahead
まっすぐ (Massugu)
Turn left
左に曲がる (Hidari ni magaru)
Turn right
右に曲がる (Migi ni magaru)
Go straight
まっすぐ行く (Massugu iku)
Go left
左に行く (Hidari ni iku)
Go right
右に行く (Migi ni iku)
戻る (Modoru)
Turn around
振り向く (Furimuku)
Continue straight
直進する (Chokushin suru)
Cross the street
道を渡る (Michi o wataru)
止まる (Tomaru)
Continue ahead
前進する (Zenshin suru)
Go up
上がる (Agaru)
Go down
下がる (Sagaru)
登る (Noboru)
降りる (Oriru)
歩く (Aruku)
走る (Hashiru)
飛ぶ (Tobu)
Turn left at the corner
角を左に曲がる (Kado o hidari ni magaru)
Turn right at the corner
角を右に曲がる (Kado o migi ni magaru)
Go to the intersection
交差点に行く (Kousaten ni iku)
Go past
通り過ぎる (Toorisugiru)
Continue until the end
最後まで進む (Saigo made susumu)
Take the first left
最初の左を曲がる (Saisho no hidari o magaru)
Take the second right
二つ目の右を曲がる (Futatsu-me no migi o magaru)
Take the third exit
三番目の出口を出る (San-banme no deguchi o deru)
Go to the station
駅に行く (Eki ni iku)
Go to the airport
空港に行く (Kuukou ni iku)
Go to the park
公園に行く (Kouen ni iku)
Follow the road
道に沿って進む (Michi ni sotte susumu)
Walk to the end of the street
通りの終わりまで歩く (Toori no owari made aruku)
Head towards
向かう (Mukau)
Turn left at the traffic light
信号を左に曲がる (Shingou o hidari ni magaru)
Turn right at the traffic light
信号を右に曲がる (Shingou o migi ni magaru)
Go down the street
通りを下る (Toori o kudaru)
Go through the tunnel
トンネルを通る (Tonneru o tooru)
Turn left after the bridge
橋を渡った後左に曲がる (Hashi o watatta ato hidari ni magaru)
Turn right after the bridge
橋を渡った後右に曲がる (Hashi o watatta ato migi ni magaru)
Take the first street on the left
最初の道を左に曲がる (Saisho no michi o hidari ni magaru)
Take the second street on the right
二つ目の道を右に曲がる (Futatsu-me no michi o migi ni magaru)
Head west
西に向かう (Nishi ni mukau)
Head east
東に向かう (Higashi ni mukau)
Head north
北に向かう (Kita ni mukau)
Head south
南に向かう (Minami ni mukau)
Go toward the river
川の方へ行く (Kawa no hou e iku)
Go toward the mountain
山の方へ行く (Yama no hou e iku)
Go toward the sea
海の方へ行く (Umi no hou e iku)
Go toward the temple
寺の方へ行く (Tera no hou e iku)
Go to the left side of the building
建物の左側に行く (Tatemono no hidari gawa ni iku)
Go to the right side of the building
建物の右側に行く (Tatemono no migi gawa ni iku)
Turn left at the roundabout
ラウンドアバウトを左に曲がる (Raundo abauto o hidari ni magaru)
Turn right at the roundabout
ラウンドアバウトを右に曲がる (Raundo abauto o migi ni magaru)
Walk around the block
ブロックを一周する (Burokku o isshuu suru)
Walk down the alley
路地を歩く (Roji o aruku)
Take the elevator
エレベーターに乗る (Erebētā ni noru)
Take the stairs
階段を使う (Kaidan o tsukau)
Use the escalator
エスカレーターを使う (Esukarētā o tsukau)
Go to the top floor
最上階に行く (Saijoukai ni iku)
Go to the bottom floor
最下階に行く (Saikaikai ni iku)
Cross the bridge
橋を渡る (Hashi o wataru)
Go under the bridge
橋の下を通る (Hashi no shita o tooru)
Walk along the river
川沿いを歩く (Kawazoi o aruku)
Go to the left of the building
建物の左に行く (Tatemono no hidari ni iku)
Go to the right of the building
建物の右に行く (Tatemono no migi ni iku)
Continue to the park
公園まで進む (Kouen made susumu)
Go straight until you reach the crossroads
交差点までまっすぐ進む (Kousaten made massugu susumu)
Go left at the traffic signal
信号で左に曲がる (Shingou de hidari ni magaru)
Go right at the traffic signal
信号で右に曲がる (Shingou de migi ni magaru)
Walk down the main street
メインストリートを歩く (Mein sutorīto o aruku)
Turn left at the crosswalk
横断歩道を左に曲がる (Oudanhodou o hidari ni magaru)
Turn right at the crosswalk
横断歩道を右に曲がる (Oudanhodou o migi ni magaru)