Direct Object Pronouns Flashcards
We see him
Lo vemos
You love me
Tú me amas
She buys them
Ella los compra
They love us
Ellos nos aman.
Where did you buy the clothes? I bought them at the store
Dónde compras la ropa? La compro en la tienda.
Do you have/drink a coffee every day? Yes, I have one every day.
Tomas un café cada día? Si, lo tomo cada día.
Do you see the stars now? Yes, I see them.
Ves las estrellas ahora? Si, yo las veo.
Do you know The president? Yes, I know him.
Conoces al presidente? Si, yo lo conozco.
Do you read romantic poems often? Yes, I read them often.
Lees poemas románticos a menudo? Si, los leo a menudo
I know you
Yo te conozco
I don’t have it (the water)
No lo tengo
She doesn’t see it (the chair)
No la ve
You don’t know me
No me conoces
We don’t use it (the book)
No lo usamos
She doesn’t earn it (the money)
No lo gana