direct effect of Eu law Flashcards
What is the foundational ECJ
jurisprudence on direct
effect of Union law?
*Case 26,62, Van Gend en Loos
What are the main arguments
underlining direct effect of Union law
in Van Gend en Loos?
- Textual references in the preamble
- Meaning and purpose of the preliminary ruling procedure
- Vision of the kind of legal community the Treaties
appeared to create: Objective of the EEC Treaty to
create a Common Market directly affects interested
→ EEC/EU = new supranational legal order, for the
benefit of which the MS have restricted their sovereign
rights, albeit in limited areas, and whose subjects are not
only the MS but also their nationals.
What is meant by the autonomy
of Union law?
*Case 26/62, Van Gend en Loos: Union
law, as a legal order sui generis, is
independent of both international law and
national law
What are the conditions of direct
effect of Union law?
*Individual right or obligation
*Sufficiently clear and precise wording
*Without restriction or further conditions
barring its immediate enforcement
Can directives have direct
*In principle: no → they are only binding,
as to the result to be achieved (Art. 288
(3) TFEU
*There are exceptions
When can directives have direct
*Case 41/74, Van Duyn: The transposition
deadline has passed and the directive
has not been transposed or has not been
transposed correctly, or the Member
State has transposed the directive
correctly but it is not applied correctly in
→ Directly effect against the MS
A is a Belgian non-profit environmental
association. It seeks the annulment of a
recent Decree of the Walloon Regional
Government of 9 April 1992 on toxic or
hazardous waste in Belgium. According to the
applicant, the decree is contrary to the
provisions of Directive 91/689 on toxic and
hazardous waste, the transposition period of
which had not yet expired. Belgium has
issued the Decree after the adoption of
Directive 91/689. Can A rely on EU law?
- The transposition deadline is intended to give MS
the time necessary to adopt the transposition
measures → no need to transpose directive early - But: MS must refrain from adopting provisions during
this period which are likely to seriously jeopardise
the objective prescribed in the directive (standstill
obligation or pre-emptive effect of directives)
(Case C-129/96, Inter-Environnement Wallonie) - This implies: Courts may not, before the expiry of the
transposition period, interpret national law in such a
way as to prejudice the attainment of the objectives
of the directive (Cases C-261 and 299/07, VTBVAB)
Can directives have direct
effect between private parties
*Generally: No, Case 152/84, Marshall I
and Case C-91/92, Faccini Dori
◦Main argument: Private parties have no
influence over the correct
implementation of directives in MS law
What is meant by “indirect effect of
- Interpretation of national law in light of an EU
directive, Case 14/83, Van Colson - No contra legem interpretation (Case C-334/92,
Wagner Miret)
◦But…. Where does contra legem begin?, See
Case C-404/06, Quelle and BGH, Urt. v.
26.11.2008, VIII ZR 200/05, Quelle - Indirect applicability may lead to results similar
to horizontal direct effect (see Case C-240/98,
Océano Grupo)