Direct Effect Of Directives Flashcards
Dual vigilance of MS compliance (2)
Ensures MS comply with duty to implement Dir
National courts are enforcers of MS’ obligation to implement
MS obligation to achieve binding result of directives
Effectiveness plus case
Not deprive individuals of effective protection of their rights under the directive
Van Duyn
Estoppel plus 2 cases
MS may not take advantage of and rely on their own failure to fully implement a directive within the deadline in disputes with individuals
DE of Dir conditions (3)
Sufficiently clear and precise
Not dependent on further action by MS
Not dependent on further action by MS
Plus case
Presumed to be satisfied if implementation deadline has expired and MS has failed to fully implement
During the implementation period, MS’ duty to… plus case
refrain from taking any measures liable to seriously compromise result prescribed by Directive
Inter-Environment Wallonie
upon expiry of the implementation deadline, dir has de if ms has (3) plus 3 cases
not implemented directive at all - ratti
incorrectly implemented - BT
correctly implemented but application of national measures is such that the result of the dir is not achieved - Marks and spencer
are directives capable of vertical or horizontal de? (2) plus cases
capable of V - individual v state - becker
incapable of H - individual v individual - highlighted in marshall
vertical de of directives 2 cases plus concept
Reaffirmed in Faccini Dori
Emanation of state
emanation of the state case
foster v british gas
an emanation of the state is a body which.. (3) plus case
foster test
has been made responsible for providing a public service
under control of the state
has special powers
applying the foster test - CJEU 2 cases
applying the foster test - UK courts (1) plus case
foster test regarded as exhaustive and followed
doughty v rolls royce
foster test regarded as…(2) plus case example
indicative only
no need for “emanation of the state” to be under control of central government
NUT v St marys CofE - school governers
qualifying the foster test (1) plus 2 cases
farrell - foster test is not exhaustive
motor insurers bureau of ireland
vertical DE of Dir summary (5)
DE on expiry of implementation deadline emanation of state broadly constructed foster test, qualified in farrell no horizontal effect of dir alternative; indirect effect