Dire avec vigueur Flashcards
To shout (to get someone’s attention, address them forcefully)
to reveal something shocking
Assener qqch à qqn
Confront someone with something
To moan, grumble
Avoir le dernier mot
To have the last word
Parler d’or
To talk good sense
En dire des vertes et des pas mûres
To come out with some pretty strong language
Sonner les cloches à quelqu’un
To give someone a good telling off
Il va/ Ils vont m’entendre!
He hasn’t/they haven’t heard the last of this!
To shout (to get someone’s attention, address them forcefully)
to reveal something shocking
Confront someone with something
Assener qqch à qqn
To moan, grumble
To have the last word
Avoir le dernier mot
To talk good sense
Parler d’or
To come out with some pretty strong language
En dire des vertes et des pas mûres
To give someone a good telling off
Sonner les cloches à quelqu’un
He hasn’t/they haven’t heard the last of this!
Il va/ Ils vont m’entendre!