Diptera (Flies) & Megaloptera Flashcards
8 genera of Diptera 2 genera of Megaloptera
Prothoracic and terminal prolegs (2)
FFG: Suspension (filter) feeders/collectors
Chironomidae (midges)
- *Distal breathing tube (“siphon”)
- Anal fan -Mouth brushes
FFG: Suspension (filter) feeders
Culicidae (mosquitoes)
- *Cephalic mouth fans
- *1 proleg
- Distal attachment disc
FFG: Suspension (filter) feeders
Simuliidae (black flies)
- *Spiricle disc having branching lobes creating a star-like appearance
- 5-7 “fleshy” lobes along the length of body
FFG: Shredders
Tipulidae (true crane flies)
- *2 terminal processes with fine setae (“hairs”)
- Ventral paired prolegs having crochets (i.e. circular burst of setae)
FFG: Predators
Anthericidae (aquatic snipe flies)
-*Body has a “leathery” appearance; hardened from calcium carbonate deposits
FFG: Collectors
Stratiomyidae (soldier flies)
-*Abdomen has several encircling rings & creeping welts with setae (typically bigger on the ventral side)
FFG: Predators
Tabanidae (horse flies & deer flies)
- *Long (or short) siphon
- Wrinkly appearance
FFG: Suspension (filter) feeders
Syrphidae (mousies)
-*2 anal prolegs with 2 hooks on each
FFG: Predators
Megaloptera: Corydalidae
-*Abdomen ends in a single long terminal filament
FFG: Predators
Megaloptera: Sialidae