Diptera:Cyclorrhapha Flashcards
Name the 4 families of Cyclorrhapha
The family Muscidae has 5 important genera to veterinary medicine. Name them and their common names
Musca- house flies
Stomoxys-stable flies
Hydrotaea-head flies
Haematobia-horn fly
Glossina- tsetse flies
Name 4 species that belong to the genus Musca
What are the morphological features of houseflies
-Non-metallic,Grey, black or brown flies
- they have 4 distinct longitudinal dark stripes on their thorax
- There is a sharp upward bend in the 4th longitudinal wing vein
-reddish eyes,sponging mouthparts
- legs are clawed with sticky hair on padlike structures
Describe the lifecyle of M.sorbens
Females lay batches of creamy white, banana shaped eggs in organic rotting material. The eggs hatch in 12-24 hrs. The cylindrical segmented maggots have 3 larval instars and feed on decaying organic material. Larvae mature in 3-7 days and move to drier areas to pupate. Adult emerges 3-26 days later.
Give the economic importance of the genus Musca
M.domestica causes annoyance to animals and man and are vectors of bacterial helminth and protozoal diseases.
M.automnalis transmits moraxell bovis(pink eye), Parafilaria bovicola and eyeworm Thelazia.
Name two species of the head flies
How are head flies morphologically different from Musca
Hydrotaea flies have an olive-green abdomen with orange-yellow discolouration at the base of the wings.
What is the economic importance of Hydrotaea irritans and what are the control methods
Feeds on wounds of sheep and cause secondary bacterial infections.
In cattle they transmit bacterial mastitis
Control is by applying repellents to animals and using insect impregnated ear tags or tail bands in cattle to prevent mastitis.
Name one species that transmits bacterial mastitis and pink eye in cattle
What are the 3 species of stable flies
Stomoxys calcitrans
Stomoxys niger
Stomoxys sitiens
What are the morphological features of species of Stomoxys
-grey in colour.
-thorax has 4 longing dark stripes
-Abdomen has 3 dark spots on the second and third abdominal segments.
-The proboscis is conspicuous and forward projecting
-palps are larger and shorter and the mouthparts are adapted for piercing and sucking.
The larvae of stomoxys have posterior spiracles which are well separated, each having three S-shaped slits.
What is the pathogenic significance of Stomoxys
Transmission of Trypanosoma and Habronema
Painful bites
Describe the life cycle of stable flies
Both sexes feed on blood. The female lays batches of 30 eggs in manure or moist decaying vegetable matter like hat contaminated with urine.eggs hatch in 1-4 days and larvae develop in 6-30 days. Pupation takes 6-9 days. The complete cycle may take 12-60 days depending on temperature.
Name 2 species of Haematobia
H.irritans(Lyperosia irritans)
Describe the features of an adult Haematobia irritans and the larval stage appearance
They stay on the host only leaving to lay eggs.
Grey colour with several dark stripes on the thorax
Proboscis held forward and unlike stomoxys
Palps are short and dark grey.
Cylindrical and yellow-white with two D-shaped posterior spiracles.
Why are Haematobia irritans pathogenically significant
Because they transmit Stephanofilaria(skin filaroid) in cattle
Name the order, suborder, family and genus of tsetse flies
Family- Glossinidae
The genus Glossina has 3 sub groups. Name these sub groups
G.palpalis -riverine species
G.fusca-rainforest species.
G.morsitans-savannah species.
Name 4 species belonging to G.morsitans
Name 4 species belonging to G.palpalis
Name 3 species belonging to G.fusca
Describe the general morphology of glossina
-Adults are narrow-bodied
-Colour yellow to dark-brown
-Thorax is dull, greenish-brown with inconspicuous stripes and spots
-Brown abdomen with 6 segments
-Wings at rest are held scissorlike over the abdomen at rest
-Hatchet-shaped medial cell
-Long forward projecting proboscis adapted for piercing and sucking.
Morphologically differentiate the three subgenera
a)Fusca males have free superior claspers without a membrane btwn them; Fusca females 5 genital plates
b) Morsitans males superior claspers are completely joined by a membrane. The females have no genital plates
c) Palpalis males have superior claspers are connected by a thin membrane deeply divided medially. Female genital plates are 6.
What is the pathogenic significance of Tsetse flies
They transmit trypanosomiasis. (Nagana in cattle and sleeping sickness in man)
Describe the lifecycle of glossina
Females are viviparous and lay one larvae at a time, upto 8-12 larvae
The larvae are creamy white, segmented and posteriorly they have a pair of dark prominent ear-shaped protuberances ka polypneustic lobes with a respiratory function.
When mature the larva are deposited on the ground in bare sandy soil under a shade. Larvae wriggle into the loose sand to pupate for 4-5 wks.
Females emerging need to feed for 16-20 days before laying eggs.
Explain methods of control for tsetse flies
Pesticide campaigns DDT and organic pesticides
Fly traps electric blue cloth.
Release of irradiated males
Using parasite refractory strains