Dinglasan, RJA (2016) Flashcards
All of the following belong to the thrombin sensitive group of coagulations factors:
✅ Prothrombin
❎ Fibrinogen, Proaccelerin, Factor 8
When stained with hematoxylin, Charcot-Leyden crystals appear:
The prothrombin time (PT) screens for deficiencies of factors:
III, VII (3, 7)
After centrifugation of a blood specimen contained in a capillary tube, the platelets and the leukocytes may be found in the:
Third layer
Which of the following statements are true regarding platelets:
- It is a non-nucleated cell that contained granules in the cytoplasm;
- It originated from the bone marrow;
- It came from the fragments of the megakaryocyte nucleus;
- It appears similar to common debris on a blood smear
1, 2, and 4
The granule containing central part of the platelets is called:
When a blood smear is prepared from a heparinized specimen and Wright-stained, the color of the background will be:
a. Red
b. Black
c. Pink
D. Blue
Platelet count estimation is done by counting the number of platelets in:
10 OI fields
The factor that is depressed by Vit. K antagonists but is not detected by the PT:
Factor IX
The bleeding time is:
The time it takes for a standard wound to stop bleeding.
The APTT reagent consists of two component, which are:
A platelet substitute and an activator
What is the correct order of draw?
Blood culture tube, blue top, red top, green top, lavander top, gray top (BCRHES)
If the patient has a weak blood vessel, most probably his bleeding time is:
Abnormally prolonged
Which of the following test results is expected on a patient with hyprofibrinogenemia?
Thrombin time: proglonged;
Reptilase time: prolonged
Which of the following is a glycoprotein produced by the liver and is considered as the major inhibitor of blood coagulation?
Protein C
Which of the following stains is helpful in the diagnosis of suspected erythroleukemia?
PAS (Periodic Acidic Schiff)
The cells which are normally found within the bone marrow are:
Pronormoblast, Basophili normoblast, Polychromatophilic normoblast, Orthochromic normoblast, Reticulocyte
In Rh deficiency syndrom, the characteristic poikilocyte seen is:
These inclusion bodies are probably microtubules remaining from a mitotic spindle interpreted as evidence of abnormal erythropoiesis:
Cabot rings
The precipitates of hemoglobin that result from oxidant stress and is found primarily with hemolytic anemia:
Heinz bodies
Flaujeac factor is otherwise known as:
What si the name of the macrophage present in the liver?
Kupffer cells
Regarding hemoglobin, which of the following statements are true:
- Synthesis of hemoglobin begins in the rubricyte stage;
- Hemoglobin is eosinophilic;
- The hemoglobin molecule is normally found in the plasma;
1 and 2
The main purpose of potassium ferricyanide in the cyanmethemoglobin method is to:
Oxidize hemoglobin to methemoglobin
In the hematocrit determination procedure, one should seal the capillary tubes at the:
End of the tube with the colored ring
Which of the following instruments use the optical methodology:
- Fibrometer
- Electra 750
- Coag-A-Mate X2
- Koagulab 40-A
2, 3, and 4
When thrombin binds with with thrombomodulin on the endothelial cell surface, thrombin can:
Activate Protein C
Hagemen factor may otherwise be called as:
Factor XII (12)
Macrocytic RCs are expected in the following disorder: A. Liver dse B. Megaloblastic anemia C. Leukemia D. AOTA
Liver dse and Megaloblastic anemia
The following statements refer to the characteristics of a plasma cell:
It has a deep blue and nongranular cytoplasm;
It has an eccentric nucleus surrounded by a perinuclear clear zone
The nucleus contains blocks of chromatin in a cartwheel configuration
Jordan’s anomaly is assoc. with:
Muscle dystrophy
The most appropriate site for bone marrow studies in adults is:
Posterior superior iliac crest
In which stage of erythrocytic maturation does hemoglobin formation begin?
Polychromatic normoblast
In the cascade theory of blood coagulation, the factors react in which order?
XII, XI, IX, VII, X (12, 11, 9, 8, 10)
The intrinsic pathway of coagulation involves:
Factor XII (12)
Three tubes containing CSF coming from a patient was received in the laboratory. Which one of these tubes should delivered to the Hematology area?
Tube no. 3
RBC = 4.19 x 10^12/L Hct = 0.40 L/L Hgb = 11.98 g/dL
96.577 fL
RBC = 4.19 x 10^12/L Hct = 0.40 L/L Hgb = 11.98 g/dL
29.95 g/dL
A medtech wants to know the Hct of a patient but the only date available are the RCC and the MCV. To determine the Hct, the MT should:
Multiple the MCV by the RCC, and then divide the product by ten. (MCVxRCC/10)
In the Factor X (10) deficiency, a prolonged PT or APTT is corrected by the addition of:
Aged plasma, Aged serum, and Fresh serum
Which of the folliwing test results is expectedly abnormal in Christmas dse?
In anemic conditions, there is a tendency to bleed bc:
RBCs add bulk and structural integrity to the fibrin clot
The ff. tests will demonstrate normal results in a patient with Factor VII (7) defiency:
APTT, TT, Plt count
The following are components of the nonspecific type of immunity:
Complement system, neutrophils, macrophages
Muramidase (lysozyme) is present in:
Neutrophils and monocytes
Ident which one will demonstrate a low serum ferritin test result:
Iron deficeincy anemia (IDA)
Which of the following cells is the largest in the bone marrow?
The coagulation factors that require Vit. K for their production include:
Stuart factor (10), Factor IX (9), Fibrinogen (1)
The most abundant circulation blood cell in the peripheral blood is:
This is the process by which an antibody or complement component attaches itself to foregin materials thereby triggering or enhancing phagocytosus by leukocytes:
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) may be detected through:
Ham’s Acidified Serum Test, Sugar Water Test, Flow Cytometry
The following statements describes the lymphocytes on a Wright-stained smear:
Slightly larger then RBCs and with a round nucelus
To properly mix the blood and the AC in the light blue top tube, the medtec must inver the tube:
3 to 4 times
When the absolute numbers of each of the individual leukocyte types are totaled, the sum should be equal to:
WBC count
Lipemia may affect which hematologic parameters?
Hemoglobin and MCH
Inactivation of Factors Va and VIIIa are caused by:
Activated Protein C
In the granulocytic series of maturation, what is the last stage to undergo mitosis?
If the MT multiplies the RBC count of a nomarl individual by 3, the resulting value will most probably reflect the:
Hemoglobin of the patient
The nuclear parachromatin of the lymphocyte tends to stain light purple with deep purple heterochromatin, giving the appearance of:
Crushed velvet
The primary inhibitor of the fibrinolytic system is:
Alpha 2 - antiplasmin
Which of the following disorder is characterized by sever capillary damage following meningococcal septicemia and may also be seen in streptococcal and pneumococcal infections?
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
Clinical conditions associated with DIC include:
Snake bites, Sepsis, Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia
Which of the following blood vessel component is a receptor fro thrombin??
Which of the following erythroid maturation stages would be the most sensitive to erythropoietin stimulation?
The patients APTT failed to correct after addition of normal fresh plasma. What would be the most probable case?
Circulation ACs
The first drop of blood in the skin puncture should be wiped away to prevent contamination of the specimen in order to:
Facilitate the free flow of blood
This is the term used to describe a condition where the red cells vary in size greatly.
What is the critical value for hemoglobin level?
< 70 g/L and > 200 g/L
This RC inclusion is composed of ferric iron and appear as bluish green-staining bodies in Prussian blue reactions.
Siderotic granules
The “pince-nez” appearance of neutrophil nucleus may be seen in:
Pelger-Huet anomaly
This explains the effect of pH on the oxygen release mechanism og Hemoglobin
Bohr effect
If the phlebotomist has no other alternative than to extract blood from an intravenous site, he should as the nurse to stop the infusion for a period of:
2 minutes before drawing blood specimen
The granulation in this anomaly results from an abnomal deposition and storage of mucopolysaccharides:
Alder-Reily anomaly
Peroxidase containing granules are present in the following granulocytes:
Promyelocytes, myelocytes, metamyelocytes, band and segmented neutrophils
PBC basophilic stippling may be found in:
P5N Deficiency, Thalassemia, and Lead Poisoning
Which of the following is considered as the storage site fro vWF in the blood vessel cells?
Weibel-Palade bodies
The mean plasma concentration of fibrinogen is:
200 - 400 mg/dL
In an electronic cell counter, clumped platelets may interfere with which of the ff. lab. results?
WBC count and Platelet count
The primary granules of the neutrophils contain:
WBC = 18, 700/mm3 Neutro = 79% Eos = 7% Baso = 1% Lympo = 10% Mono = 3%
Relative eosinophilia, Relative neutrophilia, absolute neutrophilia, absolute eosiniphilia, relative lymphocytopenia
WBC = 13, 900/mm3 Neutro = 71% Lympo = 25% Eos = 2% Mono = 2%
Absolute neutrophilia, Relative neutrophilia
3 to 4 sickle cells seen per OIO
5 to 8 RCs with Howell-Jolly bodies seen per OIO
15 to 16 thorn cells per OIO
Complete the ff. statement: “When Factor XIII (13) is present, the fibrin clot formed is ________ in 5M Urea and _______ when left standing for _______.
Insoluble, 1% Monochloeoacetic acid, 24 hours.