Dimorphic Fungi and Monomorphic Yeasts Flashcards
dimorphic fungi cause what kind of infections
systemic; often acquired by inhilation
what makes a fungus dimorphic
growth as a yeast at body temp and fungus at room temo
in general, dimorphic species look
big white and fluffy, should never be opened in open air
Blastomyces dermatiditis ID
cottony white matures to a dark brown
1-4 weeks to mature
“lollipop conidia”
in tissue, round to oval buds with a broad base, figure 8
Coccidiodes immitis ID
grey to cottony white colonies
5-14 days
barrel shaped alternating arthroconidia “empty cells”
spherules with endospores microscopically
“valley fever”
endemic to SW US
Histoplasma capsulatum ID
white to brown colonies, fluffy,
2-4 weeks
tuberculate or spiky macroconidia
yeast forms are seen in monocytes, microscopically clusters of spherical conidia
endemic to ohio river valley
asso/w bird droppings
Paracoccidiodes brasiliensis
white colony browns with age
5-7 days
septate hyphae with clamydoconidia on the ends and middle of the hyphae
yeast have multiple buds like a ships wheel
causes chronic granulomas
central and south america
Penicillium marneffei
blue green powdery colony with a red pigment in agar
4-7 days
brush like conidiophores
looks like histoplasma but has a distinctive intracytoplasmic transverse septum
common in immunocompromised
sporothrix schenckii
room temp is white colony but slowly turns black
7-10 days
rosette conidia
oval/cigar shaped yeast cells
“rose gardener’s disease”
candida albicans
pasty white colonies with star burst feet
psudeohyphae emerge from yeast bud/blastoconidium
germ tube positive
cornmeal agar will make tight clusters of small uniform blastoconidia appear
candida dublinesis
In HIV pts
germ tube +
cannot grow at 45 C but C. albicans does
shaggy on bird seed agar as opposed to smooth
C. galabrata
decreases susceptibility to fluconazole
microscopically, regular-sized yeast cells that are compactly arranged
“small, spherical, regular in size, and compactly arranged.”
C. tropicalis
problem in leukemia patients
C. auris
emerging MDR pathogen
Cryptococcus neoformans
mucoid colonies (capsule)
dark brown on bird seed agar
spherical, irregular in size, and separated by capsular material. Occasional buds may be observed
in tissue: irregular-sized spherical yeast cells surrounded by distinct capsular material
rectangular arthroconidia
“rabbit ears”
3-5 days
white and fuzzy colony
barrel shaped conidia
hockey stick arthroconidia
pink to orange pigment
urease +
grey white pasty colony
red-acid fast
2-4 days