Dilligence Flashcards
What are the 4 ordinary delligences
Stair 4.47.1 def of dilligence
Decreets would be of no effect but as bees withiut stings if the law did not fix the kinds and forms of execution thereof
When were money attachments introduced
Part 8 of the 2007 act
was also DUE to abolished adjusdications and replaced with land attachments but has not been done
What does diligence do gen
It allows creditors to freeze or size
Individual assets
On first come first served basis
In the bankcrupcy process what is the proceedure
Procededure is for all cred
All assets are taken over
Distribution is on basis of equality
In bankcrupcy process debtors affairs are wound up by a trustee/liquadator. NO SUCH PERSON PERSON EXISTS IN DILLIGENCENCE
Can dilligence be followed by sequestration/ liquidation
Who carries out dil
Court officers: sheriff officer or messenger at arms
2007 act s57 – judicial officer to replace sherrif ect but never implemented ed
effect and priority of dil
except inhibition dil gives cred real right of security.
debtor date inhibition = reg
attachment = sherrif officer going to property identifying ceased assets
ARRESTMENT = debt funds = depends on the real right not back dated to the date it was not the date the items were ceased it was the date it was aimed at.
carried out- on assets owned by the debtor
erkine 3.6.1
it is the priority of the dil used upon the debt which alone the cred to a prefernce
mitchells v fergusson
PROPERTY LAW delivered conveyed 2 bros mitchels adjudication is carried out before conveyancing diligence will take priority
burnetts trustee v grainger
ptr coulter rev grainger church of scot, going to live in burnett. Graingers disp was lost and not REG. BURNETT went BUST. burnett still neg. notice of title sent to grainger formal conveyancing title against property
s35-36 debt arrangement and attachment
s. 191-192 BAD act
money attachment
are there real rights or personal rights encumbering the assets/ debtor
diligence done first always rank first.
ROLE of equalisation
if their is a right in security vs diligence.
which ever was the real right will prevail.
unless if there is a floating charge then it prevails unless effectively dilligence
part 3 of 2002 act
ATTACHMENTif assets in house then only attached in pursuance of exceptional attachment order.
s.48 2002
ATTACHMENTif trade or business in the house then s.48 is factored in. the value of attachable assets must be less thn value of debt and expenses other wise cannot attach
sch 2 2002
ATTACHMENTlists all the non essential items that cannot be attached
s.15-19 2002
ATTACHMENTif assets are outwith the dwelling house. and sherrif officier can open lock fast places.
s.45 2002
ATTACHMENTdefines dwelling house to not include the garage./ mobile home cannot be arrested
s.17 2002
ATTACHMENTattachment reported to court within 14 days
s.21 2002
ATTACHMENTeffect of attachment is that the debtor cannot remove or destroy attached item
if they do this a submission can be made to the sherrif court to argue that debtor = contempt of court
s.19 2002
ATTACHMENTthe debtor can make payment to reddem attached items. failure to do so= power to cred to remove assets and auction
creates a real right will have priority in sequestration and liquidation generally unless have not reg 60 days BEFoRe SEQUASTRAION
s.27 2002
ATTACHMENTthe auction is public
s.31 2002
ATTACHMENT the surplus of the sale goes to the debtor
s.173 2002
the interim attachment
define interim attachment
same as attachment but is sought as soon once the cred has raised the action against the debtor, not when he has a decree against him
it is NOT competent to attch items in DWELLING HOUSE with interim attch.
these items can be attch but not sold until end of court action and debtor gets an attachent
s.175 2002 BAD
this is a form of dil that attaches MONEY belongin to debtor - can lead to payment orders
part 8 2007 BAD
MONEY ARRESTMENTCash has only been able to be seizes since 2009
s.174 BAD
MONEY ARRESTMENT a charge for payment is required and where the debtor is an individual a debt advice and info pack is NEEDED
a money arrestment cannot be arried out against case in dwelling house
money arrestment cannot be carried out on a sun before 8am or after 8pm
MONEY ARRESTMENT the officer of the court will go into premises and attach and remove money found there money being placed in a bank account within 14 days of the money attachment taking place
MONEY ARRESTMENT crd can apply to court must happen within 14 days of report being made to court
183 BAD
a payment order
187 BAD
if not money attachment ceased to have effect and money must be returned to debotr
arrestment when is it used
it is used mostly against incoperal movables 1. money and incoperal 2. goods in pos of third part 3. arrestment of ships and cargo 4. arrestment of earnings arster owes the arster money( the arrestee will be owed money by someone else) example x owes 5 to Y xowed 5 by Q
ordinary arrstment
arrestment tripartite relations
the creditor- THE ARRESTER
the third party owing the obli to the debtor- the ARRESTEE
arstee owes the arster money( the arrestee will be owed money by someone else) example
x owes 5 to Y
xowed 5 by Q
s.73A-73T debtors scot 1987
arrestment is in the execution
arrestment in execution will follow a decree ir doc if debt a schedule of arrestment then prescribed on arrerstee
sherrif officier gets notice of arrestment to arrestee. happens at ANY TIME. there is meant to be a wintess
s.73J debtors scot 1987
arrestment. service @ head bank vs arrestment at branch.- former attach all acocunts held with that bank
latter attsch only accounts in that bank.
expiry of attached funds gor to the cred 14 week period court convey that a debt is due
tantum et tale principle
arrestment cannot habe the effect of making the debtors pos any worse.
takes into account the defences available to the debtor by firthcoming