digital sat vocab "A" Flashcards
abolish (verb)
ortadan kaldırmak
- to officially end or stop (something, such as a law); to completely do away with (something).
abrupt (adjective)
ani, beklenmedik
-sudden and unexpected
abundant (adjective)
– existing or available in large quantities.
accessible (adjective)
– easy to reach or get to
accommodate (verb)
– provide a place or means of living for.
accumulate (verb)
– gather or collect over time
accustomed (adjective)
– used to or familiar with something
acknowledge (verb)
– admit the truth or existence of something.
acquire (verb)
elde etmek
- get or obtain (something) as one’s own
adamant (adjective)
– not able to be persuaded
adequate (adjective)
– sufficient or enough.
adhere (verb)
– stick to or follow closely
adjacent (adjective)
– next to or close to something else
adverse (adjective)
– unfavorable or harmful
advocate (verb)
– speak or write in favor of something
affinity (noun)
- a natural liking or attraction for someone or something
aggravate (verb)
– make (something bad) worse