Digital Forensics 1 Flashcards
Information that helps explain other evidence. And example is a chart that explains a technical concept to the judge and jury.
Demonstrative Evidence
The process of acquiring and analyzing information stored on physical storage media, such as computer hard drives or smartphones.
Disk Forensics
The resulting signal, stream, or data file
Sometimes called the package, stego file, or covert message
The proportion of bytes, samples, or other signal elements modified to encode the payload. Is typically expressed as a number between 0 and 1.
Encoding Density
How the instructions in a computer’s BIOS are stored?
When a suspect prevents data from being written to disk by storing it in memory using memory-resident rootkits, it is called __________.
Data Contraception
This is the space that remains on a hard drive if the partitions do not use all the available space.
Volume Slack
Basis Technology invented an open file standard format with three variations, all supported by Sleuth Kit and Autopsy. The name of this file format is what?
The Advanced Forensic Format
Negated AND (NAND) gate-based flash memory, which retains memory even without power.
SSD’s use which type of flash memory?
The standard for e-mail format, including headers, is ???
RFC 2822