Digestive and Excretory Systems Flashcards
Process where food is broken down into subunits that are small enough to pass through the membranes of the body cells.
Food contains energy in the form of?
Carbs, fats and proteins.
Also contain amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) and vitamins.
Process of getting rid of ammonia, the highly toxic waste product produced whenever animals metabolize proteins for energy.
Intracellular digestion
Goes on inside the cell. Breaking down of food particles after they have been taken in.
Paramecium digestion and excretion
- Oral groove: how food is gathered
- Food vacuole: where food is collected
- Lysosomes: vacuole that contains digestive enzymes synthesized by the endoplasm reticulum.
- Digestive vacuole: combo of food vacuole and lysosome. The enzymes break down the food particles into units small enough to be pass through the vacuole wall and into the cell.
- Anal pore: fused with the digestive vacuole. Any undigested food or unused enzyme is expelled.
Oral sphincter
Procure food and retain food in the mouth during chewing.
Located between the environment and mouth.
Pharyngo-esophageal sphincter
Allows a ball of chewed food to pass into the esophagus.
Located between the pharynx and esophagus.
Gastro-esophageal sphincter
Prevents reflux of stomach contents back up into esophagus.
Located between the esophagus and stomach.
Pyloric sphincter
Allows stomach “chime” to move along for further digestion.
Located between the stomach and small intestine.
Ileocolic sphincter
Not a true (muscular) sphincter.
Located between the small and large intestine.
Internal rectal (inner anus)
Retains feces until rectum is full
Located between small and large intestine.
External rectal (outer anus, voluntary control)
Retention of feces even after the rectum is full
Genital papilla
Protrusion found only in female female pigs.
Mechanical breakup of food. Increases the surface area upon which the digestive enzymes can act.
Hard palate
Provides a surface against which the tongue can manipulate or mash food.