Digestion and absorption of macronutrients Flashcards
Calories come from carbs, proteins and lipids, gastric and pancreatic secretions review
mucous neck cells- mucus and HCO3
Parietal cells- HCL and intrinsic factor (B12)
Cheif cells - pepsinogen (protein digestion
ECL- histamine
Active enzymes- Lipases, amylae, DNAses
Zymogens- proelastase, carboxy, trypcinogen
Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency
Most commonly caused by:
Chronic pancreatitis- chronic alcoholism, autoimmune diseases, gallstones
Cystic fibrosis
Type 1 and 2 diabetes (50% of type1 and 40% type 2)
Symptoms- Wt loss, steatorrhea, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies (ADEK), other nutrient deficiencies (B12, folate, iron, calcium
Diagnosis- fecal elastase test, fecal fat test, direct pancreatic function tests
Protein digestion and Absorption in stomach
In the stomach:
Parietal cells secrete HCL- stimulated by Ach, gastrin, histamine, inhibited by Somatostatin
Chief cells secrete pepsinogen-stimulated by HCl, Ach, secretin, ph optimum low, endopeptidase w/ specificity for aromatic AA peptide bonds, denatures above ph 5
Protein digestion and and absoprtion - small intestine
Enterokinase- activates Trypsin, and duodenal zymogens
Pancreatic enzymes: trypsin, chymotrypsin, elastase, carboxypeptidase A and B (as proenzymes that are activated by trypsin)
Aminopeptidases cleave from enterocytes
Brush borer peptidases- Tetra, Tri, and di peptidases. At tri peptides is when you satart absorbind
Aminoacid transporters- Amino acids are class specific, di and tripeptided transporters, Luminal Absorb of AA, D and Tri- peptidases
lipid digestion and absorptions
Dietary lipids:
Triacylglycerols (TAGs), approx 90% of all diatary fat (butter oil), Saturated (animal), vs Unsaturated
Phospholipids- 5% of dietary fat
Sterols- Cholesterol ester (animal), unesterified cholesterol
Fat soluble vit (ADEK)
Hydrophobic (lipophili phytochemicals)
Usually a TAG is digeste to 2FAs and a sn2-Monoacylglycerol
Phospholipids- to lysophospholipid and FA
Cholesterol Ester-> Cholesterol and FA
lipid digestion and absorptions enzymes
Lingual lipase- from serous glands of the tongue, commences hydrolysis of sn 3 Fa from Tgs
Gastric lipase- preferentially dydrolyzes TGs containing SCFAs
Pancreatic lipase- secreted into duodenum, requires bile salts, co lipase )anchors lipase
Bile salts- synthesized in liver from cholesterol–> stored / concentrated in gallbladder– micelle
Most potent stimulus for CCK secretion is lipid in duodenum (CCK- contracts gall bladder
Small and medium can be directly absorbed
Dietary lipids slows rate of gastric emptying, feel fuller for longer, need fat to absorb the nutrients
Carbohydrate digestion and absorption
Complex CHOs- Starches, glycogen, Fiber
Oligosaccharides- Inulin frucoligosaccharide
Simple CHOs- Disaccharides (Sucrose- Glucose and Fructose, Maltose- Glucose and Glucose, Lactose- Glucose and galactose
Brush border enzymes- Sucrase, maltase, lactase
in duodenum and jejunum
Transporters SGLT1 for glucose and galactose, GLUT for fructose
Lactose intoletace
inadequate lactase enzyme production
Lactose is undigestd and not absorbed–> its then metabolized by the large intestine bacteria, gas bloating nausea and abdomina cramps and discomfort
Primary lactose intolerance (most common)- Lactase production declines in late childhood or adulthood, more common in persons with African, Asian, hispanic, Nat Am ancenstory
Seconndary Small intestine injury, celiac disesase, Crohns, bacterial overgrowth
Congenital/dev- complete absence of lactase
H breath test
Where are macronutrientes absorbed
Lipids, monosaccharides, amino acid, small peptides in the duodenum
Lipids, monosaccharides, amino acids, small peptides in the jejunum
Short chain fatty acids- in the large intestine
Protein energy malnutriotion
Inadequate CALORIE and PROTEIN intake
Irreversible effects on cognitive and immune function esp for 2 yos
Common micronutrient deficiencies0 iron, iodine, vitA zic and Mg K
Dev countries
dev- post bariatric surgery, cf, cRf, chronic alcoholism
severe protein deficiency- lakcing all dietary, essential amino acids- diet can be adequate in calories from carbohydrates and fats, poor plant heavy diets can lack all 9 essential AAs
edema, anemia, fatty liver- big belly
total calorie deficiency