Digestion and Absorption of Amino Acids Flashcards
What is the first place digested amino acids go after being absorbed by enterocytes?
the hepatic portal vein to be transported to the liver
Once in the liver, what are the major fates of absorbed amino acids?
1) protein synthesis
2) synthesis of N-containing compounds
3/4) split into carbon and nitrogen- carbon can be broken down for energy or stored; nitrogen can be broken down to urea
5) biosynthesis of amino acids
What are essential amino acids?
AAs that the body cannot synthesis. Thus, they are requires in your diet. Non-essential AAs can be made by the body and, thus, are not needed exogenously
Which non-essential AAs require input from essential AAs to be made?
cysteine and tyrosine synthesis depend on adequate amount of methionine (sulfur) and phenylalanine, respectively
What is an AA that is essential in children but not really necessary in adults (although still considered ‘essential’)
What is the recommended daily allowance of protein?
0.8g of high quality protein per kilogram of ideal body-weight (50g/day for women and 60g/day for men)
What is ‘high-quality’ protein?
just means that the protein contains all of the essential AAs in adequate amounts (generally, protein of animal origin-milk, egg, meat)
What is ‘low-quality’ protein?
low in one or more essential AA (generally protein from plant origin- easy to compensate with mixtures of low-quality protein)
What is nitrogen balance?
Means that the dietary nitrogen intake is equal to the excreted nitrogen. Someone who has a positive nitrogen balance has more dietary N than excreted N, while someone who has a negative nitrogen balance excretes more nitrogen than they ingest
When would someone be nitrogen positive and it be normal?
growing children or pregnant women (steroid users would too)
What is Kwashiorkor?
a disease caused by a deficiency of protein in a diet that is adequate in calories; common in Africa and third world countries
clinically: muscle wasting and decreased concentrations of muscle plasma
Why is there muscle wasting associated with Kwashiorkor? What happens when you consume none or insufficiency quantities of one or more essential amino acid?
non-essential AAs are going to be used to synthesis the essential ones, resulting in muscle wasting
What would you see in a patient that has decreased plasma proteins?
distended/bloated stomach
Where does proteolysis begin?
in the stomach, indicating that none occurs in the mouth or esophagus
What are the two phases of proteolysis in the stomach?
1) denaturation in acidic conditions that unfold the protein to make them a bettie substrate for breakdown by protease
2) Pepsin- a protease- breakdown