Digestion and Absorption Flashcards
The main function of digestion is to hydrolyze large dietary components such as starch, proteins, and fats into their absorbable component parts (e.g., glucose, amino acids, fatty acids). Relatively small dietary substances such as the disaccharides lactose and sucrose are also hydrolyzed into their component simple sugars. In addition, digestion serves to release some vitamins, such as biotin and vitamin B12,
from their protein-bound forms.
including the stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, small intestine, and colon, is
required for efficient digestion and absorption of the essential nutrients in foods.
The stomach produces hydrochloric acid, which denatures proteins, rendering them
more susceptible to proteolysis both by pepsin, produced by the stomach, and by
pancreas-derived proteases.
The liver produces and secretes bile salts, which are required for the digestion and absorption of triacylglycerols, which are comprised of long-chain fatty acids esterified to glycerol.
In addition to secreting numerous
digestive enzymes that act in the small intestine, ** the pancreas** secretes large amounts of sodium bicarbonate, which neutralize stomach acid, thus providing the nearly neutral pH required for the activity of pancreatic enzymes in the lumen of the small intestine.
The enterocytes that line the lumen of ** the small intestine **not only provide the surface to which disaccharidases and peptidases are attached, but are also the site where most of the small-molecular-mass products of digestion are absorbed.
The ileum is an integral element of the enterohepatic circulation that accounts for the recycling of bile salts and the absorption of essential nutrients such as vitamin B12. In addition, the small intestine is the body’s largest endocrine organ, as it produces a variety of hormones that regulate digestion and energy balance.
The colon is a major site of absorption of water and sodium and chloride ions. The colon is also the site of absorption of some of the metabolic by-products of colonic bacteria, particularly lactate, short-chain fatty acids such as propionate and butyrate, and ammonia, which is generated by hydrolysis of urea by bacterial urease.
Dietary Carbohydrates
Digestion of Starch
Digestion of Oligosaccharides
Dietary Carbohydrates
The major dietary carbohydrates are starch, sucrose, and lactose.
Starch, the polymeric form of glucose stored in plants, is a mixture of two macromolecular structures:
amylose and amylopectin (Fig. 3-1).
Amylose is a straight-chain polymer in which the glucose units are attached to one another through a-l,4 linkages. Amylopectin is a branched structure with branches formed by a- 1,6 glycosidic linkages to the a- 1,4 chains.
Animal foods contain small quantities of glycogen, a glucose polymer that is
similar to amylopectin but is more highly branched. Cellulose, the structural glucose polymer of plants, contains p-1,4 glycosidic bonds which are not hydrolyzed by human digestive enzymes. Cellulose is thus a dietary fiber rather than a bioavailable source of carbohydrate for the body.
Sucrose and lactose are disaccharides; that is, they are composed of two sugar units in glycosidic linkage (Fig. 3-2).
**Sucrose ** (table sugar), commonly extracted from sugarcane or sugar beets, consists of glucose (Glc) and fructose (Fru) and has the structure alpha-Glc(1 -> 2)beta-Fru.
Lactose is the sugar found in milk and is comprised of P-galactose linked to C4 of glucose [beta-Gal( 1 -> 4)GlcI.
Fructose and glucose are
also present as monosaccharides in honey and many fruits.
Most common monosaccharides and disaccharides are reducing sugars since they have a free aldehyde or ketone group. In an alkaline solution, a reducing sugar will reduce cupric ion (Cu2+) to cuprous ion (Cu+). By contrast, sucrose is not a reducing sugar.
Dietary Carbohydrates
Digestion of Starch
Salivary and pancreatic amylases are both endoglycosidases that randomly hydrolyze internal alpha-1,4 glycosidic bonds of amylose and amylopectin to form smaller polysaccharides called dextrins.
Hydrolysis of the glucose polymers is initiated by salivary amylase (ptyalin), which hydrolyzes as much as 40% of dietary starch before the enzyme is inactivated by the low pH in the stomach.
Pancreatic a-amylase continues the starch digestion process in the small intestine, producing maltose [a-Glc(1-> 4)Glc], isomaltose [a-Glc( 1-> 6)Glc], and limit dextrins, which are a mixture
of oligosaccharides comprised of three to eight glucose units, including occasional
a- 1,6 branches
Dietary Carbohydrates
Digestion of Oligosaccharides
The dietary disaccharides, sucrose and lactose, and the maltose, isomaltose, and
oligosaccharides produced by partial digestion of dietary starch are hydrolyzed by enzymes that are localized on the surface of the brush border of the intestinal mucosa.
Dietary Carbohydrates
Digestion of Oligosaccharides
Maltase is an alpha-glucosidase that hydrolyzes both maltose
(Fig. 3-3A) and maltotriose:
a-Glc( 1 -> 4)a-Glc( 1 –+ 4)Glc [maltotriose] + H20 -> maltose + glucose
a-Glc(1 -+ 4)Glc [maltose] + H20 -> 2 glucose
Dietary Carbohydrates
Digestion of Oligosaccharides
Isomaltase is an alpha-glycosidase that hydrolyzes the alpha-1,6 glycosidic bond of isomaltose and limit dextrans (Fig. 3-3B):
alpha-Glc(1 -+ 6)Glc [isomaltose] + H20 -> 2 glucose
Digestion of Starch
Digestion of Oligosaccharides
Lactase is a beta-galactosidase that hydrolyzes lactose to glucose
and galactose (Fig. 3-2A):
beta-Gal(1 -+ 4)Glc [lactose] + H20 -> glucose + galactose
Digestion of Starch
Digestion of Oligosaccharides
Sucrase is a disaccharidase that hydrolyzes sucrose (Fig. 3-2B):
alpha-Glc(1 -> 2)beta-Fru[sucrose] + H2O -> glucose + fructose
It should be noted that the two polypeptides that have sucrase and isomaltase activity, respectively, are initially synthesized as a single polypeptide chain.
Digestion of Starch
Digestion of Oligosaccharides
This exoglycosidase hydrolyzes glucose alpha-1,4-glucose linkages starting at the nonreducing end of the oligosaccharide chain.
Although alpha-dextrinase has greater activity for oligosaccharides with relatively longer chains, it also hydrolyzes maltose and maltotriose.
Absorption of Sugars
Glucose and Galactose
Glucose is absorbed into the cells of the
intestinal mucosa in cotransport with Na+ by GLUT1, the sodium glucose-dependent
symporter. This process is driven by the active transport of Na+ out of the cell
through the basolateral membrane, which also serves to maintain a low concentration of intracellular Na+.
Galactose binds to the glucose-binding site of GLUT1 and is transported into the mucosa by the same cotransporter. There is also a facilitative transport mechanism for glucose absorption.
Absorption of Sugars
Fructose is absorbed by facilitative diffusion, a process by which transport proteins facilitate the passage of a polar molecule across the plasma membrane.
Fructose transport is driven by the concentration gradient of fructose
across the membrane.
All of the common dietary monosaccharides leave the enterocyte through the basolateral membrane by means of facilitated diffusion.
Dietary Lipids
The major dietary lipids are triacylglycerols containing three long-chain fatty acids (usually C16-C20) esterified to glycerol (Fig. 3-4).
Animal products also contain both
free cholesterol and cholesteryl esters. Other dietary lipids include phospholipids,
vitamins A, D, E, and K, and the carotenoids.
Since lipids are hydrophobic and poorly soluble in water, they have a strong
tendency to aggregate into large lipid droplets. Efficient digestion of these droplets requires emulsification, the process by which large lipid droplets are dispersed into smaller ones, thus providing greater surface area for access by hydrolytic enzymes to their substrates.
The process of emulsification involves both the physical effects of peristaltic churning of the food and the chemical dispersion of the droplets by the
detergent action of bile salts.
Bile Acid and Bile Salts
Effective digestion and absorption of dietary lipids requires both digestive enzymes and conjugated bile acids (a.k.a. bile salts).
Bile acids are oxygenated derivatives
of cholesterol that have several hydroxyl groups on the sterol rings and a shortened hydrocarbon tail ending in a carboxyl group (Fig. 3-5). Bile acids are weak acids with a pK, value of about 6.
The term bile salts refers to conjugated bile acids which contain either glycine or taurine linked via an amide bond to the carboxyl group of a bile acid (Fig. 3-5C). Conjugation decreases the pK, of the bile salts; glycocholic acid has a pK, of about 4, whereas the pK, of taurocholic acid is about 2.
The stronger hydrophilic domains of the bile salts renders them more amphipathic than bile acids and thus more effective emulsifiers.
Bile Acid and Bile Salts
Bile Salts Emulsify Dietary Lipids
The physical properties of the
bile salts enable them to emulsify lipid droplets, thereby enhancing lipid digestion.
Bile salts containing three hydroxyl groups (e.g., cholic acid) are better emulsifiers than those that have only two hydroxyl groups (e.g., deoxycholic acid).