digestion and absorption Flashcards
Digestion definition
The hydrolysis of large, insoluble molecules into small soluble molecules that can be absorbed across the cell membrane
Produced in salivary glands (secreted in mouth) and pancreas (secreted in intestines)
Hydrolyses the glycosidic bonds between polysaccharides into disaccharides (starch to maltose)
Membrane- bound disaccharidases
Found in duodenum and also are attached to epithelial cell membrane in ileum
Sucrose to glucose and fructose (Sucrase)
Maltose to glucose and glucose (Maltase)
Lactose to glucose and galactose (Lactase)
Found in pancreas and secreted into duodenum to ileum
Hydrolyses the esther bonds in triglycerides forming monoglycerides and fatty acids
Bile salts
Membrane bound dipeptidases: